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April 30th, 2010
Reaction to the attack on Taetrus continues to pour in from across the galaxy. “This is an act of war,” stated Minister of Agriculture Idus Valen, who became Primarch of Taetrus by the laws of succession. “This is an attack against all civilized colonies of the galaxy,” stated Ulra Nron of the Vol Protectorate, who ordered a national day of mourning for those lost in the destruction. On Palaven, millions of turians in dozens of cities marched in solidarity with the victims of what is becoming known as the Vallum Blast. The death toll is still unknown, but estimates run anywhere from 150,000 to 1.1 million, which could make the day of the blast the second bloodiest day in turian history, ranking just under the first 22 [Earth standard] hours of the Battle of Digeris.
Tags: Idus Valen, Taetrus, Ulra Non, Vallum, vol protectorate
Posted in Official News | 27 Comments »
April 30th, 2010
Reaction to the attack on Taetrus continues to pour in from across the galaxy. “This is an act of war,” stated Minister of Agriculture Idus Valen, who became Primarch of Taetrus by the laws of succession. “This is an attack against all civilized colonies of the galaxy,” stated Ulra Nron of the Vol Protectorate, who ordered a national day of mourning for those lost in the destruction. On Palaven, millions of turians in dozens of cities marched in solidarity with the victims of what is becoming known as the Vallum Blast. The death toll is still unknown, but estimates run anywhere from 150,000 to 1.1 million, which could make the day of the blast the second bloodiest day in turian history, ranking just under the first 22 [Earth standard] hours of the Battle of Digeris.
Tags: Idus Valen, Taetrus, Ulra Non, Vallum, vol protectorate
Posted in Official News | 27 Comments »