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May 8th, 2010
Gruesome news out of Taetrus tonight: Four turian men have been arrested for stealing healthy organs from the dead at the overcrowded Haemona Medical Center. The men posed as nurses and used fake identity cards to gain entry to the hospital’s morgue. Two ran interference while the other two, skilled in surgery, removed kidneys, lungs, and gizzards from the freshest corpses of those who died just days after the Vallum Blast. The turians were discovered by a diener, who suspected something was amiss when the men attempted to prevent him from seeing the bodies. “I cannot believe I’m the same species as these parasites,” said the diener, Daherax Antivus. “Whatever happened to shame?”
Tags: Daherax Antivus, Haemona Medical Center, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast
May 8th, 2010
Gruesome news out of Taetrus tonight: Four turian men have been arrested for stealing healthy organs from the dead at the overcrowded Haemona Medical Center. The men posed as nurses and used fake identity cards to gain entry to the hospital’s morgue. Two ran interference while the other two, skilled in surgery, removed kidneys, lungs, and gizzards from the freshest corpses of those who died just days after the Vallum Blast. The turians were discovered by a diener, who suspected something was amiss when the men attempted to prevent him from seeing the bodies. “I cannot believe I’m the same species as these parasites,” said the diener, Daherax Antivus. “Whatever happened to shame?”
Tags: Daherax Antivus, Haemona Medical Center, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast