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June 2nd, 2010

The separatist group Facinus released a video today condemning the colonialist air campaign against targets in the Diluvian Wildlands. “The cowards of the Hierarchy have betrayed the turian people, first in their appeasement of the humans, second in their oppressive taxes to support their agenda to weaken our empire, and third in the bombardment of their own kind to support their archaic institutions,” said Kihilix Tanus, nominal leader of the separatists. “Their General Partinax is a craven murderer. This bloodshed could be avoided with a simple duel between the two of us, yet he would hide behind his conscripts.” Asked for comments, General Partinax said simply, “I don’t hide.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Hierarchy, Kihilix Tanus, Taetrus, turian, Turian Hierarchy, Vallum, Vallum Blast