Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 5th, 2010

The struggle to contain vital information is a key part of any war, but today it’s more difficult than ever. Citizen reporters, aided by cheap, concealable technology such as camera-clothing and micro-surveillance can easily cross the line from witness to antiwar activist or spy. “We feed the major media outlets satisfying, nonvital info,” said Lieutenant Colonel Sanex Irvinus. “In return, they tend to stay professional. It’s more difficult when a noncombatant plants a microbug on a person or vehicle. Their data goes straight to the antiwar media, and minutes later, the mainstream echoes it. You wouldn’t believe the counter-surveillance methods we’ve had to use.” Activist groups like TruthHax say the trend won’t go away. “Intelligence services and media conglomerates pay for info, and activists just do it because it’s right,” said one unnamed source. “If you could stop a war with information, if you could kill its support without driving up the cost in lives, wouldn’t you be obliged to try?”

Tags: Lieutenant Colonel Sanex Irvinus, truthhax