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July 10th, 2010

The rate at which Diluvian citizens are capitulating to invading Hierarchy forces is amazing to some observers, but not so to psychological specialists such as Lilira Sycoram. “Inasmuch as one can speak of species-wide cultural trends with any accuracy, turian society is set up to take military orders for communal action. You have an entire population that understands the costs and methods of war. When it becomes clear that the ideological center of a movement is beaten, once the ‘center of gravity’ goes, turians readily switch their allegiances to the larger, succesful community — in this case the Hierarchy. This tends to happen only in turian-on-turian conflicts, but when it does, it spares both sides the long, bloody guerilla wars seen so often in many other species’ history.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Taetrus
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