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July 14th, 2010

Colonialist forces in the Diluvian Wildlands on Taetrus have surrounded the fortress of Kasatum, believed to be one of the last holdouts of the separatist leadership. The building, built in the early days of the planet’s civil wars, is reinforced against most explosives and has hardpoint-grade kinetic barriers to resist mass accelerator attacks. The separatist group claims it has two dozen hostages inside and in a sign of their increasing desperation, demanded a spaceship to depart the planet. Asked if he would consider the group’s demands, General Partinax replied, “We have a negotiation specialist handling that, but I can say giving Facinus access to another FTL craft is quite low on my list of desirable outcomes.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, General Partinax, Kasatum, Taetrus, Vallum