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August 8th, 2010

Reconstruction of the Signis, the Taetrian executive office building destroyed in the Vallum Blast, was completed today by the Hierarchy Corps of Engineers. Donations of wood, marble, and fabricator materials poured in from all over the galaxy to enable the famous building to stand again. The new building is an exact replica of the old, a move that lead engineer Naxus Ursinus said was expedient and an important political symbol. “On a practical level, we wanted to give the Primarch a place to work that wasn’t out of a hotel room somewhere,” she said, “More importantly, we are showing our enemies they have not changed us.” Asked if the new building was hardened against megaton-scale blasts, she replied, “You can’t stop an FTL craft with a stronger ceiling. Our first line of defense is the common citizens’ awareness of what their neighbors are doing.”

Tags: Hierarchy Corps of Engineers, Naxus Ursinus, Signis, Taetrus, Vallum Blast, Vamire Squaron
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