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August 19th, 2010

The scientific community is abuzz today after the latest report from MIT exo-biologist Jordan Detweiler was filed last night from the Antilin System, where he’s currently investigating a mysterious “ghost ship.” Claiming a breakthrough, Detweiler writes, “What I’ve discovered is nothing short of astonishing: This so-called derelict ship isn’t derelict at all. It appears that an alien race has downloaded its consciousness to a massive array of quantum computers onboard the vessel. It’s my belief these aliens now reside entirely in a virtual world and have been there for at least 8,000 years.” Detweiler estimates the population of the virtual world numbers close to one billion individuals. He explains: “The ship’s AI is something of a caretaker to these people, or even a god depending on how you look at it. More importantly, the AI is now requesting our help. It says a power failure is imminent and threatens the entire virtual civilization.”

Tags: AI, Antilin System, artifical intelligence, Ghost Ship, Jordan Detweiler, virtual intelligence
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