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August 21st, 2010
Opinions were plentiful this week after MIT’s Jordan Detweiler stunned the scientific world when he revealed the existence of a virtual alien civilization residing in a derelict “ghost ship.” Niran Patalung, a Buddhist scholar at the Center for Religious Studies in Bangkok, said, “I’m struck by the parallels to ancient human beliefs in reincarnation. Clearly, life does not end for these aliens when they ‘die.’ Their souls, if you will, simply re-inhabit other virtual personalities and continue living.” Thomas Copeland, spokesman for an Earth-based atheist group, disagreed: “That’s true until you pull the plug. Then what? All these ‘souls’ just wink out, that’s what. Those who would latch onto this incident as proof of some higher level of existence are simply projecting their own wishful thinking onto digital noise.” Mr. Patalung replied: “One man’s noise is another man’s music. Perhaps in his next life, Mr. Copeland will be less tone-deaf.”
Tags: Bangkok, earth, Ghost Ship, Jordan Detweiler, Niran Patalung, Thomas Copeland
August 21st, 2010
Opinions were plentiful this week after MIT’s Jordan Detweiler stunned the scientific world when he revealed the existence of a virtual alien civilization residing in a derelict “ghost ship.” Niran Patalung, a Buddhist scholar at the Center for Religious Studies in Bangkok, said, “I’m struck by the parallels to ancient human beliefs in reincarnation. Clearly, life does not end for these aliens when they ‘die.’ Their souls, if you will, simply re-inhabit other virtual personalities and continue living.” Thomas Copeland, spokesman for an Earth-based atheist group, disagreed: “That’s true until you pull the plug. Then what? All these ‘souls’ just wink out, that’s what. Those who would latch onto this incident as proof of some higher level of existence are simply projecting their own wishful thinking onto digital noise.” Mr. Patalung replied: “One man’s noise is another man’s music. Perhaps in his next life, Mr. Copeland will be less tone-deaf.”
Tags: Bangkok, earth, Ghost Ship, Jordan Detweiler, Niran Patalung, Thomas Copeland