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September 22nd, 2010

“Waters of Kolono,” the newest expansion for “Galaxy of Fantasy,” is the hottest gaming title this season with an estimated 3.14 billion downloads after yesterday’s midnight release. The title is already out-grossing mega-simulstim “Nekyia Corridor,” but the producers aren’t flaunting that fact. “We’re just pleased that both long-time fans and newcomers to the game are excited about this expansion,” says lead designer Ferrus Korlick. “Players can now immerse themselves in 200 to 300 hours of new gameplay.” Korlick also addressed technical difficulties with the release: “For those having some trouble logging on from Earth, we ask for your patience. We haven’t fully recovered from the fire in the server stadium last night.”

Tags: Ferrus Korlick, Galaxy of Fantasy, nekyia corridor, Waters of Kolono