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October 10th, 2010

A navigation malfunction turned tragic when an Oyama Industries surveyor landed on a restricted planet and died at the hands of enraged local colonists. A video smuggled off-planet shows Jason Pyrrus, son of billionaire entrepreneur Byron Pyrrus, being held captive and brutally executed. The ship landed on the planet Kopanis, whose colony is a known haven for followers of Strata Pact, a fanatical anti-technology group who have cut themselves off from the wider galactic community. Infamous for acts of terror against industrial manufacturers, the group established the colony 17 years ago. Kopanis’ star, Jornous, is located inside the Terminus Systems; therefore, no formal inquiry can be made in to what sparked the event. Pyrrus was 34 and leaves behind a wife and two daughters.

Tags: Byron Pyrrus, Jason Pyrrus, Jornous, Kopanis, Oyama Industries, Strata Pact
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