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October 17th, 2010
A history lecture on the Krogan Rebellions turned into a battleground of impassioned debate today. Former asari commando Matriarch Adora Ellja recounted her experiences during the Rebellions for audiences attending the lecture series. Her haunting descriptions of raiding slave camps on krogan-occupied worlds deeply affected many in the audience. Then, during a question session, krogan Warlord Ravanor Tusk asked if the asari would pay reparations for krogan slaves used as forced labor during the last days of the war. After Matriarch Ellja denied any krogan had been enslaved, Tusk’s response was: “You’re either a fool, a liar, or senile.” The rest of the evening turned into a heated argument between Warlord Tusk, Matriarch Ellja, and students and historians attending the lecture.
Tags: Krogan Rebellions, Matriarch Adora Ellja, Warlord Ravanor Tusk
October 17th, 2010
A history lecture on the Krogan Rebellions turned into a battleground of impassioned debate today. Former asari commando Matriarch Adora Ellja recounted her experiences during the Rebellions for audiences attending the lecture series. Her haunting descriptions of raiding slave camps on krogan-occupied worlds deeply affected many in the audience. Then, during a question session, krogan Warlord Ravanor Tusk asked if the asari would pay reparations for krogan slaves used as forced labor during the last days of the war. After Matriarch Ellja denied any krogan had been enslaved, Tusk’s response was: “You’re either a fool, a liar, or senile.” The rest of the evening turned into a heated argument between Warlord Tusk, Matriarch Ellja, and students and historians attending the lecture.
Tags: Krogan Rebellions, Matriarch Adora Ellja, Warlord Ravanor Tusk