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October 19th, 2010

Krogan and vorcha crowds danced in the streets and fired weapons as starships took home the first of the corporate soldiers who had occupied the planet Garvug since an aborted coup seven months ago. “No one in my platoon is going to miss it,” said one anonymous soldier serving with Guanghui Solutions, “but everyone’s wondering if they could have done more.” Their situation is less grave than that of government forces in Dhazil, who describe the situation as “a nightmare.” Orut Tairn, liaison to the Rassk vorcha pack, wonders, “What do they think is going to happen without troops? The guerillas are going to take back power and everyone in government’s going to get purged.” Orut is fleeing the planet and he’s not alone — Starways Space Travel says all flights leaving Garvug are booked solid for the next six weeks.

Tags: Dhazil, Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Orut Tairn, Rassk, Rassk vorcha, Starways Space Travel
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