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December 1st, 2010

After his latest fiasco, police are charging self-declared elcor performance artist Nockrick Taur with breaking and entering, computer intrusion, inciting a riot, destruction of property, and resisting arrest. Taur broke into the Reyanommond auditorium on the Citadel during a showing of the popular new musical “Hearts on Breaking Shore.” Halfway through the program, Taur used a jamming signal to short out every translator in the theater, then triggered a fire alarm. “It was a nightmare,” says one theatergoer. “It was dark, people were suddenly shrieking gibberish, and no one knew what was happening. One poor salarian got his arm broken just because he was standing between the crowd and an exit.” Taur expressed no remorse over the 44 people injured in the panic, only saying as he was led to jail: “Smug satisfaction: It was an admirable success in forcing people to face their over dependence on technology for modern convenience.”

Tags: Hearts on Breaking Shore, Nockrick Taur, Reyanommond Auditorium
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