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December 18th, 2010

If you ever wanted a piece of the galaxy’s ditziest socialite, now’s your chance. Aish Ashland is selling her heart online. It’s not the one currently in her chest, but one of two spares she had grown from cloned tissue at a lab in the Earth town of Pacific Palisades. “Originally it was there in case something awful happened,” she said, “but after my recent marital difficulties, I’ve decided that it’s time for the world to know that my heart has moved on.” Bidding starts at 50 million credits for the organ, which doctors say is in excellent shape. All proceeds from the sale of the heart will go to Aish’s self-founded charity, the Aishwarya Ashland Center for Rehabilitation Medicine.

Tags: aish ashland, Aishwarya Ashland Center for Rehabilitation Medicine, Pacific Palisades
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