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December 19th, 2010

It’s a dream come true for 64-year-old multimillionaire Rakesh Dutta, whose daughter Kanta made the winning bid for Aish Ashland’s cloned heart last night. “Appa’s a total celebrity addict, and he loves his present!” Kanta raved to FirehoseofFame.com minutes after the final bid closed at 115.6 million credits. “He knew I was searching for a donor, but he had no idea he was getting Aish’s heart.” Ashland herself said in press release, “I’m so glad I could help someone who’s obviously one of those suffering people. I think suffering is a terrible thing and we should all try to avoid it as part of the Christmas season.” Dutta will be flown from his native Sri Lanka to Los Angeles, where he will undergo surgery to replace his heart with the 24-year-old socialite’s spare. Dutta’s heart was failing after a bout with diabetic cardiomyopathy.

Tags: aish ashland, Kanta Dutta, Rakesh Dutta