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December 27th, 2010

The saga of former Kore employee Lira Speight has apparently come to an end. A body with a geneprint matching that of her medicard to 99.998% accuracy was presented to a regional medical examiner on the Omega space station. Her bodyguards explained to officials that she was in a hotel and complained of headaches shortly before collapsing and could not be revived. The medical examiner, Ur’shok Aranhur, declared her death a result of a massive stroke and concluded there were no signs of foul play. Lonar Maerun, one of several Citadel Spectres assigned to bring in the fugitive admiral, says the evidence satisfies him. “She was under considerable stress,” he said. “I guess it got to her more than she let on.” Speight is survived by one brother. She was 47 Earth standard years old.

Tags: Garvug, Kore, Lira Speight, Lonar Maerun, Omega, Sonax Industries, Ur'shok Aranhur