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December 29th, 2010

The Earth city of New York is breaking with a centuries-long tradition this year to inaugurate a new one. The Times Square New Year’s Eve ball, a crystal globe festooned in lights that descends in the last moments of the old Earth standard year, will be moved to the Presidium on the Citadel, where it will descend at precisely one minute before midnight, Eastern Standard [Earth] Time. In the ball’s place on Earth will be a volumetric display of the Citadel ball, and giant monitors up and down Broadway will display the crowds on the Presidium. “We feel this is our year,” said New York mayor Trudi Raspallo. “Humans are on the galactic stage now in a big way, and we invite the galaxy to celebrate with us.”

Tags: earth, New Year, New Year's Eve, New York, Times Square, Trudi Raspallo