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December 31st, 2010
Citadel security continues the search for the stolen time ball meant to mark the passing of the human New Year. Captain Armando-Owen Bailey, whose men have searched countless docking bays for signs of the device, says there is evidence that the perpetrator used a mass reducer to get the ball off the Presidium. “We can’t shut down all traffic without piling up half a million partygoers,” says Bailey, “and we’re certain that was part of the plan.” Event coordinator Nyala Alaynas says the theft will not stop the festivities. “We’ve still got spotlights and fireworks and lots of that fizzy gold drink,” she says. “Like the humans say, the show must go off.”
Tags: Armando-Owen Bailey, New Year, New Year's Eve, Nyala Alaynas, Rolan Quarn
December 31st, 2010
Citadel security continues the search for the stolen time ball meant to mark the passing of the human New Year. Captain Armando-Owen Bailey, whose men have searched countless docking bays for signs of the device, says there is evidence that the perpetrator used a mass reducer to get the ball off the Presidium. “We can’t shut down all traffic without piling up half a million partygoers,” says Bailey, “and we’re certain that was part of the plan.” Event coordinator Nyala Alaynas says the theft will not stop the festivities. “We’ve still got spotlights and fireworks and lots of that fizzy gold drink,” she says. “Like the humans say, the show must go off.”
Tags: Armando-Owen Bailey, New Year, New Year's Eve, Nyala Alaynas, Rolan Quarn