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January 21st, 2011
The weekend’s box office is in, and awards season is in full swing. “Patriots”, the true story of a human serving with the salarian navy stationed at Jaeto, netted a comfy 2.3 billion credits, while tearjerker biopic “Dr. Kepral” came in a close second at 2.24 billion. “May to December” examines an asari girl on a quest to learn the life story of her vorcha father, pulling a respectable 1.88 billion; and the ambitious remake of “All Souls’ Rising” brings forth Earth’s Haitian revolution in all its flawed glory, holding firm at 1.75 billion in its third week. On the lighter side, the slapstick “We the Sheeple” skewered just about every visible galactic politician for a modest 1.28 billion. Described by the producers as “all the laughs you expect from Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ before you actually read it,” the comedy is down 600 million from its opening weekend.
Tags: All Souls Rising, box office, Dr. Kepral, Jaeto, May to December, Patriots, We the Sheeple
Posted in Official News | 29 Comments »
January 21st, 2011
The weekend’s box office is in, and awards season is in full swing. “Patriots”, the true story of a human serving with the salarian navy stationed at Jaeto, netted a comfy 2.3 billion credits, while tearjerker biopic “Dr. Kepral” came in a close second at 2.24 billion. “May to December” examines an asari girl on a quest to learn the life story of her vorcha father, pulling a respectable 1.88 billion; and the ambitious remake of “All Souls’ Rising” brings forth Earth’s Haitian revolution in all its flawed glory, holding firm at 1.75 billion in its third week. On the lighter side, the slapstick “We the Sheeple” skewered just about every visible galactic politician for a modest 1.28 billion. Described by the producers as “all the laughs you expect from Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ before you actually read it,” the comedy is down 600 million from its opening weekend.
Tags: All Souls Rising, box office, Dr. Kepral, Jaeto, May to December, Patriots, We the Sheeple
Posted in Official News | 29 Comments »