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Salarian film crew reported missing in Afghan DMZ on Earth
February 23rd, 2011

A crew of eight salarians filming a documentary in the unstable Afghan DMZ on Earth has been declared missing after failing to check in with their supervisors three days ago. The crew was last reported seen in Helmand Province, in the south of the DMZ, travelling in a convoy escorted by local security. United Nations Peace Enforcement Mission spokesman Col. Jan de Groot said in a press conference that surveillance drones have been deployed all over the area, but since the convoy did not report their location or that they had come under attack, they would be impossible to locate in the rough terrain. Col. De Groot also noted that although several extremist and insurgent groups are active in the region, none have claimed responsibility for any attack. The salarians were filming a documentary for the salarian extranet channel Great Frontier on the troubled Afghan DMZ, a region of Earth that has been in a near-continuous state of civil war since 1979 CE, well before First Contact. The Afghan DMZ is one of the poorest and most undeveloped regions on Earth, with an average life expectancy of 45 years, versus 105 years for humanity as a whole.

[via BBC Galactic]

Tags: Afghanistan, earth, Helmand Province, Systems Alliance