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Afghan extremist group holding salarians hostage
February 27th, 2011

In a recently uploaded extranet video, the Grand Emirate of Afghanistan, an extremist group active in the Afghan DMZ, claimed to be holding eight missing salarians as hostages. Both the United Nations Peace Enforcement Mission (UNPEM) and outside experts believe the video to be genuine. The salarians, members of a film crew, were abducted while filming a documentary. The video begins with graphic footage of an attack on the crew’s convoy, including the decapitation of three local security guards protecting the convoy. The leader of the GEA, Abdul Abu Rahman, is later seen on the video standing behind eight blindfolded and gagged salarians sitting on the ground. In a rambling statement, Abu Rahman claims that the salarian hostages are “abominations,” genetic human clones sent by the United Nations as shock troops to commit “the genocide of the Afghan people and the extermination of their faith.” Abu Rahman further claims that humanity has not traveled off of Earth or established off-world colonies, and that all evidence of extraterrestrial life is propaganda. The video segment concludes with demands for the immediate withdrawal of all United Nations Peace Enforcement soldiers from the Afghan DMZ, or failing that, their conversion to the human religion of Islam, as well as the recognition of the GEA as the government of Afghanistan and the imposition of religious law over the whole DMZ. UNPEM spokesmen refused to comment on the substance of the video, but noted that every available UNPEM resource has been called in to locate the salarian hostages.

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Afghan DMZ, Afghanistan, earth, salarians, United Nations, UNPEM