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Krogan stops transport hijacking
March 1st, 2011

A representative of the krogan Urdnot clan is being called a hero today, after he stopped the hijacking of a commercial transport that was carrying 132 people. The transport was traveling between Illium and the Citadel when two passengers, a salarian and a turian, drew weapons and demanded the cooperation of passengers and the transport crew. It was at this point that Urdnot Krovis interceded by charging at the hijackers. Despite being shot numerous times, Krovis managed to disarm and disable both individuals.

When interviewed by reporters today, Urdnot Krovis, who was traveling back to Tuchanka after conducting clan business, said simply that “They were going to make me late. I hate being late.” Neither hijacker has been identified, but Citadel Authorities report that the salarian was knocked out after being thrown against the transport wall, and is currently in custody and receiving medical treatment. The turian was beaten to death with his own weapon while attempting to fight with Krovis.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: krogan, tuchanka, Urdnot, Urdnot Krovis