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Human sues Salarian Union
March 7th, 2011

Mitchell Vigoda, a 53 year old sanitation worker from the Earth city of Philadelphia, has filed a lawsuit against the Salarian Union today. In the lawsuit, Vigoda alleges that salarian researchers visited Earth in the centuries prior to humanity’s discovery of the Charon relay, and that they abducted and conducted experiments on humans, including several of his ancestors.

The lawsuit alleges that Vigoda’s family members were targeted by salarians in abductions stretching back to the mid 1950s. In a statement today, the Salarian ambassador to the Systems Alliance said, “This lawsuit is preposterous. We didn’t know humans existed, and we didn’t know there was a mass relay in Sol. How could we have gotten to Earth?” Vigoda, meanwhile, swears that his claims are the truth: “Look at the Salarians. Look at their eyes. Their body shape. They’re an exact match to the description my family gave for the aliens that abducted them!”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: earth, Mitchell Vigoda, Philadelphia, salarians