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Volus chairman suffers fatal heart attack
March 12th, 2011

Volus diplomat Bor Ivius was found dead in his apartment this morning. Ivious was a respected career diplomat who had been serving as chairman for a trade summit between the Vol Protectorate and the Salarian Union was discovered unconcious by his wife. Though medics were quick to arrive on the scene, they were unable to resuscitate him. Despite initial fears that a suit rupture may have lead to asphyxiation, later analysis confirmed Ivius had suffered a fatal heart attack.

The impact the chairman’s death will have on negotiations with the Salarian Union is yet to be seen, but salarian representative Fileran Liodet made a statement claiming Ivius’s tireless work had “laid a solid foundation on which a mutually profitable agreement could be built.”

Tags: Salarian Union, salarians, vol protectorate, volus