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Human clawball team joins turian league
March 15th, 2011

Clawball, a typically turian homogenous sport, has turned into a source of controversy when the Elysium Warhounds, a human team, announced that they would be participating alongside turian teams in the next galactic tournament. “Clawball has been played for hundreds of years, and it has been built to turian physical requirements, turian physiology and turian mindsets,” declared Aelus Seriae, manager of the Circia Annihilators. “They cannot play the game with our rules and our pace, and the only other alternative is that we water the game down to accommodate them. Neither option seems acceptable to me.” When asked what the team felt about the backlash, Warhound captain Michael Đurić had this to say: “We know that we might be at a disadvantage, but for us, playing in the tourney isn’t about whether or not we win or lose, it’s just because we love this game. We don’t want anyone to change the rules for us. We just want to play with those who play it best.”

Tags: Circia Annihilators, clawball, Elysium Warhounds