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Leaked war scenarios derail turian/salarian trade talks
March 18th, 2011

Discussions over trade agreements between turian and salarian colony worlds have been disrupted by the revelation of turian military documents that detail hypothetical invasion strategies of salarian space. It appears that a bureaucratic snafu caused the classified documents to be released along with non-classified data during the recent training exercises conducted with the Alliance on Kruljaven. Reactions have been heated.

“These war scenarios are a non-issue,” said trade representative Sorrus Calaren. “It is an open secret that the Hierarchy maintains up to date military strategies for all foreseeable conflicts. We expect no less from our allies. My salarian counterparts are merely trying to obfuscate matters.” In response, a salarian trade rep stated, “The existence of plans detailing the bombardment of Mannovai quickly becomes the real issue. Plans with that level of operational detail should not exist unless the perceived likelihood of conflict is significant.”

Tags: Kruljaven, Mannovai, salarian, Sorrus Calaren, turian