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Sources say Sharjila mercs had missing colonist tie
April 25th, 2011

Sources within C-Sec have indicated that the mercenaries who were recently destroyed in the Macedon System may have had ties to the group of slavers that held Jerome Hennison in Zakera Ward. “I was looking at information on the destroyed merc group,” said one C-Sec officer. “Each of the slavers that we apprehended in the warehouse had the merc group’s tattoo. It looks like they were the same organization.”

Neither C-Sec nor the Citadel Council would comment on this new revelation. Sources within the Systems Alliance, the Salarian Union, and the Citadel Council also continued to refuse comment on whether a Spectre coordinated the joint assault in the Macedon System, with one Alliance representative stating that, “Further information on the Macedon raid is not open to the public.”

Tags: Jerome Hennison, Manswell Colony, Salarian Union, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 36 Comments »