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Study suggests loss of bio-diversity on Trident
April 28th, 2011
A study conducted by Dr. Rala, a marine biologist with the University of Serrice, indicates a startling loss of bio-diversity on Trident, a primarily aquatic and human dominated world in the Terminus Systems. Trident is mineral rich, and home to operations that mine uranium, iridium, and dust form element zero.
The study indicates steep declines over the past decade in aquatic plant and animal life, especially in areas that are home to major industrial operations. The losses are especially notable in the biologically diverse Poseidon Trench, which is home to numerous element zero mines: At least five unique species there have gone extinct in recent years, while an endangered squid has begun showing signs of weak biotic abilities. Dr. Rala told reporters today, “This one hopes that its study raises awareness of the dangers to Trident’s eco-system.” The Trident government, meanwhile, has promised to appoint a commission to investigate the matter.
[via Alliance Beacon]
Tags: Dr. Rala, Terminus Systems, trident, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 91 Comments »
April 28th, 2011
A study conducted by Dr. Rala, a marine biologist with the University of Serrice, indicates a startling loss of bio-diversity on Trident, a primarily aquatic and human dominated world in the Terminus Systems. Trident is mineral rich, and home to operations that mine uranium, iridium, and dust form element zero.
The study indicates steep declines over the past decade in aquatic plant and animal life, especially in areas that are home to major industrial operations. The losses are especially notable in the biologically diverse Poseidon Trench, which is home to numerous element zero mines: At least five unique species there have gone extinct in recent years, while an endangered squid has begun showing signs of weak biotic abilities. Dr. Rala told reporters today, “This one hopes that its study raises awareness of the dangers to Trident’s eco-system.” The Trident government, meanwhile, has promised to appoint a commission to investigate the matter.
[via Alliance Beacon]
Tags: Dr. Rala, Terminus Systems, trident, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 91 Comments »