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United Nations proposes new tax on emigrants to colonies
July 15th, 2011
Long-standing tensions between Earth and the Colonies spilled over onto the floor of the United Nations building in New York City today, when a group of industrialized nations led by members of the European Union, the Chinese People’s Federation, and the United North American States proposed a treaty that would lay a heavy tax on all emigrants from Earth to the Colonies. Under the proposal, any Earth citizen seeking to emigrate to the Colonies would be required to sell all of their real estate on Earth, and then pay a 50% surtax upon departure from Earth on both the proceeds from such sales and on any savings they bring with them over C100,000 credits. CPF ambassador Li Fang, the principal sponsor of the proposal, said that the tax was a justified response to the colonies’ attempts at “inciting sedition and rebellion, particularly through their recent deceptive advertising campaign. Earth is the parent of humanity, and if the children on her colonies think they can steal our citizens and their wealth away from us with lies and half-truths, they are gravely mistaken.”
[Via BBC Galactic Service]
Tags: Colonial League, earth, Systems Alliance, United Nations
July 15th, 2011
Long-standing tensions between Earth and the Colonies spilled over onto the floor of the United Nations building in New York City today, when a group of industrialized nations led by members of the European Union, the Chinese People’s Federation, and the United North American States proposed a treaty that would lay a heavy tax on all emigrants from Earth to the Colonies. Under the proposal, any Earth citizen seeking to emigrate to the Colonies would be required to sell all of their real estate on Earth, and then pay a 50% surtax upon departure from Earth on both the proceeds from such sales and on any savings they bring with them over C100,000 credits. CPF ambassador Li Fang, the principal sponsor of the proposal, said that the tax was a justified response to the colonies’ attempts at “inciting sedition and rebellion, particularly through their recent deceptive advertising campaign. Earth is the parent of humanity, and if the children on her colonies think they can steal our citizens and their wealth away from us with lies and half-truths, they are gravely mistaken.”
[Via BBC Galactic Service]
Tags: Colonial League, earth, Systems Alliance, United Nations