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Council rules on Kal’Alite cloning
July 19th, 2011

The Citadel Council has ruled that Kal’Alite cloning should not take place immediately, but that the Kal’Alite DNA should be preserved at a Council run facility for possible future cloning. A Council spokesperson said, “Laboratory cloning of plant and animal life from the Kal’Alites’ homeworld will be allowed, but, right now, we just don’t know enough to feel comfortable cloning the Kal’Alites themselves.”

Neither side in the ethical debate seems satisfied with this outcome. Dr. Izza Chorlan said the Council “ducked issue at hand,” and Dr. Kenneth Albright said that the Council “is putting future generations at risk by not setting clear standards.” Biotech companies such as Binary Helix, meanwhile, have expressed anticipation for experimenting with extinct plant and animal life from the Kal’Alites’ homeworld.

Tags: Citadel Council, Kal'Ala, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System