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Pyjacks reunion tour comes to Citadel
August 7th, 2011

The Screaming Pyjacks reunion tour came to the Citadel last evening, where the group played to a packed Taralos Amphitheater. Half way through the show, lead singer Vorenus Malenuu shocked the audience by introducing a new song, “Flower Sequel,” a follow up to the popular “Flower of Tuchanka.” Malenuu told reporters, “The song was a group effort. The whole tour has been so fantastic. None of us even care about why we broke up anymore.” Though the singer refused to comment on whether the band might officially get back together, entertainment analysts have begun speculating on that outcome. “It certainly sounds like they want this again,” said retired music producer Ober Konia. “If the tour was just about the money, I wouldn’t expect them to collaborate on new songs.”

Tags: citadel, Flower of Tuchanka, Flower Sequel, Ober Konia, The Screaming Pyjacks, Vorenus Malenuu
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