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Scott City residents protest lawsuit
August 19th, 2011

A group of Scott City protesters gathered outside City Hall today, to express their displeasure with Mayor Richard Santana’s lawsuit against the Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture. Organized by the Scott City Preservation Society and led by former mayor Bill Hansley, the protesters expressed their desire to see Founders Park continue to play a role in Scott City’s downtown area. “Leanne Ling was one of Terra Nova’s most notable residents,” said Hansley. “Her money helped fund this colony, and her PR efforts on Earth helped populate it. The park and community center were her last gifts. I want them here to remind my grand-children and great grand-children of the role she played.” Mayor Richard Santana’s office issued only a brief response, noting that calls to his office favor redeveloping the park by a large margin.

Tags: Bill Hansley, Founders Park, Richard Santana, Scott City, Terra Nova
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