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Atar sentence commuted
August 28th, 2011
In a surprise move today, Taetrian Primarch Idus Valen commuted the death sentence of Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck to life in prison, and announced that she will be transferred to authorities from the Citadel Council to serve her sentence in a Council run prison. The announcement followed a closed meeting yesterday between Valen and Council representatives. Valen made the short announcement to reporters, then left without answering questions. Turians have reacted with unusual vitriol for turian politics, with one citizen opening an extranet site calling for Primarch Valen to be demoted from his current citizenship tier.
Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 66 Comments »
August 28th, 2011
In a surprise move today, Taetrian Primarch Idus Valen commuted the death sentence of Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck to life in prison, and announced that she will be transferred to authorities from the Citadel Council to serve her sentence in a Council run prison. The announcement followed a closed meeting yesterday between Valen and Council representatives. Valen made the short announcement to reporters, then left without answering questions. Turians have reacted with unusual vitriol for turian politics, with one citizen opening an extranet site calling for Primarch Valen to be demoted from his current citizenship tier.
Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 66 Comments »