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Evidence suggests expedition attacked by Clan Torak
September 7th, 2011

According to the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission, forensic evidence suggests that Clan Torak attacked and killed a University of Serrice science expedition. Although a full account of the evidence against Clan Torak has not been released, CDEM forces did note that DNA samples taken from krogan blood on some of the victims partially matched DNA from several known Clan Torak members. Meanwhile, a University of Serrice spokesperson confirmed that the University gave the clan agricultural equipment, as well as a payment of nearly 50,000 credits, to guarantee the group’s safe passage. The CDEM is demanding that Clan Torak explain the presence of Torak DNA. Clan Torak has not responded.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka, University of Serrice
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