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Volus claims black holes are natural mass relays
September 8th, 2011
During a news conference at the ongoing Volus Physical Society meeting on Irune, Volus scientist Darik Zol unveiled a new theory of how black holes could be used for interstellar travel. “It’s true,” said the press release, “black hole surroundings are vicious environments, whether it’s the million-solar-mass black hole at the Galactic center, or your regular run-of-the-mill ten-solar-mass black hole in the Galactic disk. But, by surrounding the black hole with a sphere of element zero, we could effectively turn it into a wormhole, opening a gate to a different part of the galaxy—or who knows, maybe even beyond.”
Tags: black holes, Darik Zol, Volus Physical Society
September 8th, 2011
During a news conference at the ongoing Volus Physical Society meeting on Irune, Volus scientist Darik Zol unveiled a new theory of how black holes could be used for interstellar travel. “It’s true,” said the press release, “black hole surroundings are vicious environments, whether it’s the million-solar-mass black hole at the Galactic center, or your regular run-of-the-mill ten-solar-mass black hole in the Galactic disk. But, by surrounding the black hole with a sphere of element zero, we could effectively turn it into a wormhole, opening a gate to a different part of the galaxy—or who knows, maybe even beyond.”
Tags: black holes, Darik Zol, Volus Physical Society