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Salarian shuttles undergo VI reprogramming
November 12th, 2011

The Salarian Union has determined that all of its Sur’Karha class light assault shuttles suffer a VI processing error that creates a small risk of them veering out of control while on planetary approach. The error has been blamed on Jaeto based Sordarra Industries, the company that programmed the VIs for all of the Union’s Sur’Karha assault shuttles. Sordarra has announced that they are providing a patch to repair the error, and it is expected that all Sur’Karha assault shuttles will be operational by the end of next week. Several relatives of the STG trainees killed in the initial accident, meanwhile, are said to be considering legal action against Sordarra. “It’s one thing to lose a brother in combat,” said one. “It’s another to lose a brother to a reckless programming error.”

Tags: Jaeto, Salarian Union, Sordarra Industries, STG, Sur'Karha class light assault shuttle
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