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SEGI to piggy-back on galaxy’s largest telescope
November 18th, 2011

The Search for Extragalactic Intelligence (SEGI) Institute, a controversial multi-species Citadel body composed of otherwise respected astrophysicists, engineers, and their students, will make use of the largest telescope in the galaxy, the ALBI observatory. “We will examine all incoming ALBI data for serendipitous evidence of sentient life in other galaxies,” said project head Dr. Valin Banos. “If there is life in our galaxy, it stands to reason that other galaxies, such as nearby Andromeda, should house sentient life as well. If so, there’s a roughly 30% chance we will be able to pick up their radio signatures with the trillion-fold reception improvements that ALBI offers over other planetary and space telescopes.”

Tags: ALBI, Astoundingly Long Baseline Interferometer, Search for Extragalactic Intelligence, SEGI
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