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Alliance minister scoffs at search for extragalactic intelligence
November 19th, 2011

Systems Alliance Deputy Minister of Defense Clara Hayes recently criticized the fact that the galaxy’s largest telescope, the ALBI array, will support the Search for Extragalactic Intelligence (SEGI). “With all the cost overruns that necessitated cuts or delays in dreadnought construction for the asari and salarians, you would think that the ALBI array would be used for serious science, not some pie-in-the-sky dream of extragalactic life. Even if we found life in Andromeda, what good would it do us? There are no mass relays that lead there, and it would take literally a million years to send signals back and forth by ordinary means.” In response, SEGI head Dr. Valin Banos responded that SEGI would not be taking any data of its own, but analyzing other observations for serendipitous signals, and thus offers “a totally cost-free boon.”

Tags: ALBI, Astoundingly Long Baseline Interferometer, Search for Extragalactic Intelligence, SEGI, Systems Alliance
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