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ALBI telescope sees extragalactic life on first try
November 22nd, 2011

At a crowded and exuberant press conference on the Citadel, Dr. Valin Banos dramatically announced “possible” evidence of life in the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy. Playing an audio recording that sounded like deep humming, he said, “The first-light observation of the galaxy’s largest telescope, ALBI, was of course Andromeda, our main calibration source. Buried in the correlator data, we found this tantalizing signal with a period second derivative exactly equal to the frequency of the 21cm hydrogen line.” According to Dr. Banos, no non-sentient source could produce this type of regularity “at the 90% confidence level.” Asari Physical Society president Na’ali Vasir remained cautious, saying she would withhold acceptance until “all plausible statistical tests” have been run on the signal.

Tags: ALBI, Andromeda, Asari Physical Society, Astoundingly Long Baseline Interferometer, Search for Extragalactic Intelligence, SEGI
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