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Competitions begin at Biotic Games
November 28th, 2011

First round competitions began at the Biotic Games, today. In the Systems Alliance biotic diving competition, Zhao Chi of Earth, Agneta Marszal of Earth, Sara Storm of Demeter, and Enrique Gutierrez of Terra Nova won the right to proceed to intermediary competitions. The talk of the galaxy, however, is skyball, where the competition between the turians and the salarians unexpectedly went down to the wire. The turians had been expected to field an excellent team this year, only to face an unexpectedly fierce challenge from a team of relative salarian amateurs. In the end, the salarians scored a narrow, upset victory, when Tannadan Rizus tripped and lost control of his biotic field. Fans throughout the Hierarchy are crushed, with one sports commentator saying “this team looks like the biggest letdown in sports since the 2169 clawball season was cancelled by a player strike.”

Tags: Agneta Marszal, Biotic Games, Enrique Guiterrez, Sara Storm, Systems Alliance, Tannadan Rizus, Turian Hierarchy, Zhao Chi
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