
Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
December 2nd, 2010

Simulstim director Hoyt Marrazo is being accused of using unscripted, real-life trauma in his controversial mockumentary “Holly’s Last Chance.” Marrazo instructed actor Cordan Ryng to put on his recording-rig before coming to the set, which was deserted when Ryng arrived. “Then three or four thugs jumped out,” Ryng said. “One cracked my leg with a baton, then kicked me to the ground. They beat me for at least two minutes and 34 seconds, because that’s how long Marrazo’s footage lasts.” Marrazo denied all charges of a setup, insisting that Ryng was fully aware and consenting during the scene. “I’d never destroy the bond of trust between a simulstim director and his actor for a cheap shock,” said Marrazo. “If Ryng’s doing this to get out of more filming, there are smarter ways to get out of a contract.”

Tags: Cordan Ryng, Holly's Last Chance, Hoyt Marrazo


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December 1st, 2010

After his latest fiasco, police are charging self-declared elcor performance artist Nockrick Taur with breaking and entering, computer intrusion, inciting a riot, destruction of property, and resisting arrest. Taur broke into the Reyanommond auditorium on the Citadel during a showing of the popular new musical “Hearts on Breaking Shore.” Halfway through the program, Taur used a jamming signal to short out every translator in the theater, then triggered a fire alarm. “It was a nightmare,” says one theatergoer. “It was dark, people were suddenly shrieking gibberish, and no one knew what was happening. One poor salarian got his arm broken just because he was standing between the crowd and an exit.” Taur expressed no remorse over the 44 people injured in the panic, only saying as he was led to jail: “Smug satisfaction: It was an admirable success in forcing people to face their over dependence on technology for modern convenience.”

Tags: Hearts on Breaking Shore, Nockrick Taur, Reyanommond Auditorium
Posted in Official News | 82 Comments »


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November 30th, 2010

Earlier today, the Migrant Fleet rescued an Eldfell-Ashland Energy employee drifting through the Nubian Expanse in a lifepod. Navigator Camilla Gutierrez, the only survivor of the MSV Stanislaw, says that quarians had nothing to do with the attack that stranded her: “The ship’s silhouette was just massive. There’s no way the quarians had that monster in their Flotilla. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Asked about the attack itself, Gutierrez reported, “They blew out our engines before we knew what hit us. Smoke was everywhere. I heard the captain yell something about boarders before he ordered us to the lifepods.” Eldfell-Ashland says it is relieved Gutierrez was recovered, but that the Citadel investigation should continue “until all parties involved are satisfied.”

Tags: Camilla Gutierrez, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Flotilla, Migrant Fleet, Nubian Expanse


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November 29th, 2010

The Migrant Fleet’s place in Citadel space is today’s leading debate, as the Presidium prepares to launch an independent investigation into the destruction of an Eldfell-Ashland Energy mining fleet. “That this is even being discussed is frightening,” says asari diplomat Cerca T’Awnas. “There’s been no time to inspect the fleet’s wreckage, and no formal charges were laid. It’s a blatantly premature condemnation of the quarian people.” Public opinion on the matter, however, is more mixed. “The Flotilla is a floating scrap yard,” says an entry from popular blogger Feyro Derlan. “When too many ships are beyond repair, what are the quarians going to do, take out a loan? It was only a matter of time before they turned pirate.”

Tags: Cerca T'Awnas, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Feyro Derlan, Flotilla, Migrant Fleet


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November 28th, 2010

Eldfell-Ashland Energy has accused the Migrant Fleet of destroying a cruiser, three frigates, and six mining freighters in the Nubian Expanse over a mineral-rights dispute. The quarians denied all charges, saying that they last saw Eldfell-Ashland’s ships retreating out of sensor range, presumably to refuel at their cruiser by the system’s mass relay. Eldfell-Ashland spokesperson Yves Nevil responded: “Yesterday we lost contact with our ships out in the Expanse. Shortly afterward, we received a distress signal from the MSV Stanislaw reporting an ‘alien attack.’ We have very little doubt as to what happened here.” Eldfell-Ashland officials are planning to go before the Council and ask that the Migrant Fleet be banned from Citadel space.

Tags: Citadel Council, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Migrant Fleet, MSV Stanislaw, Nubian Expanse, Yves Nevil
Posted in Official News | 101 Comments »


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November 27th, 2010

Eldfell-Ashland Energy is refusing to meet with representatives from the Quarian Conclave as they clash over rights to rich veins of palladium discovered on several asteroids on the outskirts of the Nubian Expanse. “Eldfell-Ashland’s sole contribution to the project was to appear with an armed frigate after we finished surveying, then demand that we vacate the unclaimed area,” says Captain Ahlis’Laspar vas Nalotir. “We will continue mining until Eldfell-Ashland presents the Conclave with proof of ownership or speaks to us without hiding behind a gun sight. We would prefer both.”

Tags: Ahlis'Laspar vas Nalotir, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Migrant Fleet, Quarian Conclave


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November 26th, 2010

Do human parents leave too much childrearing to synthetic hands? Recent studies show that more than half of urban human households use a robotic or VI babysitting service at least once a week, and a quarter use them more than three times per week. Pediatricians say that it’s too much time spent with stand-ins. “A robotic caretaker is meant to supplement real-life parenting, not replace it,” says Dr. Alger Coppton. “Childhood is when we form our deepest familial connections. Spending this time with synthetic surrogates is neither healthy for nor fair to a child.” Single father Riley Brennan says that sometimes, that time is not an option. “I work double shifts four days a week. I can’t afford a real babysitter. I’d love to be home more, but at least this way I know my son is being looked after while I’m at my job.”

Tags: Dr. Alger Coppton, humans, Riley Brennan, VI


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November 25th, 2010

A patrol of Alliance Marines recently stumbled across an asteroid miner who had been marooned on a deserted station for over two years. “Billion to one chance,” said Captain Matthew Brown. “I looked out the window just as we flew over the surface and spotted a light in one of the buildings.” The survivor, Pashtol Nima, was a drill operator who’d disabled his tracking beacon while in the field to make up for lost time on a job, unaware that the operation was closing up behind him. “We all thought Nima shipped out early, like he kept saying he wanted to,” said Nima’s former foreman Jim Ratham “He’s lucky it was cheaper to leave the life-support equipment behind on this job instead of hauling it back into space.” Although severely malnourished and suffering from psychological distress, Nima is expected to make a full recovery.

Tags: Alliance, Captain Matthew Brown, Jim Ratham, Matthew Brown, Pashtol Nima, Systems Alliance
Posted in Official News | 18 Comments »


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November 24th, 2010

In the second half of Emily Wong’s interview with Sonax supreme commander Lira Speight, the admiral alternately argues about, confesses to, and speculates about the moral repugnance of her actions. “I don’t regret the deception,” she said, “to shareholders or anyone else. What keeps me up at night is [the death of Brigadier General] Noah [Vardos]. He knew the real strategy, but he saw good people dying under him; Garvug residents dying for no reason – it haunted him.” As to the civillian casualties, she responded “Our test story, the video of krogan being executed, that wasn’t genuine, but damn few people questioned it. Once we saw the public’s saturation point, when they weren’t shocked any more and just wanted it over, we gave them what they demanded, as fast as we could.”

Tags: Brigadier General Noah Vardos, Emily Wong, Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Lira Speight, Noah Vardos, Sonax Industries, Supreme Commander Lira Speight


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November 23rd, 2010

In the first half of an exclusive 90-minute (Citadel standard) interview, Sonax Industries supreme commander Lira Speight sat down with the Future Content Corporation’s Emily Wong and answered questions about the war on Garvug. “We — and I mean the army, not the board — had a nearly impossible task once the insurgency was established,” she says, “and success would not have been financially possible without Umsung Holdings’ backing. I presented the idea to the higher-ups of letting some negative stories through on the comm buoys to win trust with the news media, but it developed into more. The president of Umsung was good friends with Sonax’s chairman; when the offer was made, the idea clicked: the board realized the power of winning by losing. From that moment on, we played the wounded bird and gave the snakes exactly what they wanted to see.”

Tags: citadel, Emily Wong, Future Content Corporation, Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Lira Speight, Sonax Industries, Umsung Holdings
Posted in Official News | 21 Comments »


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November 22nd, 2010

A cache of antique munitions was recently uncovered by colonists mining for palladium on the planet Enael. The miner who made the discovery, Lawrence Daskin, immediately contacted authorities, who began an emergency evacuation of local colonists to a safe distance. The cache, which includes more than 100,000 artillery and mortar shells as well as land mines and high explosives, is believed to date back to a skirmish between batarian forces and Citadel forces over seventy years ago. The munitions removal is expected to last until late next week, after which colonists should be able to return to their homes. Said one expert, “While this is obviously a big inconvenience for the folks living here, it’s not the kind of job you want to rush.”

Tags: batarians, citadel, Citadel Council, Enael, Lawrence Daskin


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November 21st, 2010

No matter what happens in the galaxy, we love to talk about it — this season’s hottest companies are on the bleeding edge of communications. Developers and manufacturers of extranet server-buoys, browser programs, and omni-tools were the fastest-growing firms this quarter, and were popular investor picks. Last month, Skywire bought up Quick Space, an up-and-coming research and development group, for 34.9 billion. Rumor has it that Quick Space has found a way to significantly lower the price of building quantum entanglement communication equipment, news that has left many of their shareholders salivating in anticipation.

Tags: communication, Quick Space, Skywire


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November 20th, 2010

Black Horse Foods, makers of the controversial diet aid “The Skale,” have issued a formal recall of their product as shares dropped by more than 66% in the past week. The move comes in the wake of more than 34 deaths, chiefly among youth, attributed directly to the product. Medical authorities on Citadel-space planets are calling on retail outlets to remove the product from store shelves, although use of The Skale is still approved for prescription in cases of severe allergies or food restrictions. Neither public relations staff nor legal counsel for Black Horse Foods would comment on the recall or pending legal action by families of the deceased.

Tags: Black Horse Foods, The Skale
Posted in Official News | 21 Comments »


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November 19th, 2010

The corporate watchdog group BALANCE, headed by Dr. Trent Leeds, has challenged a contract between Genex Chemical and a group of colonists settled on the planet Watson, who are embroiled in an ongoing debate on corporate colony sponsorship. Genex came under fire last year for offering to sponsor a group of colonists under an agreement that allowed them to test new synthetic soil amendment products with little peer review from third-party scientific bodies. The legal challenge will be given a preliminary hearing by the Citadel Board of Planetary Settlement (CBPS) this month.

Tags: BALANCE, CBPS, Citadel Board of Planetary Settlement, Dr. Trent Leeds, Genex Chemical, Watson
Posted in Official News | 19 Comments »


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November 18th, 2010

Veteran award-winning drell actor Fell Fannus accepted a lifetime achievement award from the Art and Culture Foundation’s annual event held at the theatre that bears his name, the Fannus Centre. Fannus is known for a body of work that spans more than 40 years and includes live performances, blockbuster vids, scripts, and directing projects. The entertainer is part of a select group of performers that effortlessly cross boundaries between species. Fannus thanked the assembled luminaries and quipped, “I am fortunate to have made a career out of being other people, because I don’t find myself terribly interesting.” Fannus’ latest directorial project, “A False Face,” opens this week.

Tags: A False Face, Art and Culture Foundation, drell, Fannus Centre, Fell Fannus


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November 17th, 2010

Sonax Industries, Guanghui Solutions, and Binary Helix held a joint press conference today to address shareholder concerns about the new offensive on Garvug. Spokespersons detailed a campaign of careful media control dating back several months. Binary Helix explained that their rift in the coalition was a ruse. Guanghui gave details of special forces left on Garvug disguised as civilians, whose mission was to pinpoint insurgency leaders when they came out of hiding. Sonax reps spoke at length about the actual board vote (8-3) to continue the war once they were filled in on the so-called “wooden horse gambit.” Said CFO Abayomi Osoba, “We had a responsibility to keep the company from going under. We regret that there was no way other than to ask for forgiveness after the fact.” Asked if the board would face charges for perpetrating fraud on stockholders, he responded, “Our legal department can explain Illium’s laws in that area. You’ll find them quite flexible.”

Tags: Abayomi Osoba, binary helix, Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Illium, Sonax Industries


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November 16th, 2010

Sonax Industries presented a list of confirmed dead or captured enemy commanders on Garvug today: 90 of the 112 names are presumed out of action. Among the dead is notable guerilla leader Hailot Wrund, who apparently survived a poisoning attempt before fleeing in a skycar that was driven out of the air by Guanghui Solutions gunships. An autopsy revealed that after Wrund’s heavily armored car slammed into a mountainside and armor-piercing incendiary rounds ignited its fuel into a fireball, the trapped and wounded Wrund finally died of smoke inhalation. The corporate coalition is making the autopsy video and gun-camera footage publicly available at midnight tonight (Garvug local time).

Tags: Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Hailot Wrund, Sonax Industries


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November 15th, 2010

Sonax supreme commander Lira Speight held her first press conference in weeks, displaying satellite images of Sonax and Guanghui Solutions divisions landing in Dhazil — or what remains of it. Speight showed little concern for the cost of life from the brutal bombardments, but pointed out that the roads, spaceport, and mining infrastructure remain intact. Sonax, Guanghui, and Binary Helix stocks closed high in response. Sonax’s nearly 1000% boost was the talk of the trade floor as the “win by losing” strategy became apparent.

Tags: binary helix, Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Lira Speight, Sonax Industries


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
November 14th, 2010

An attack of unbelievable scale has taken place on the planet Garvug’s capital of Dhazil. According to one independent journalist trapped in the city, mass cannons have destroyed the seat of government recently retaken by Hailot Wrund, as well as most buildings within the city. Reports of assassinations and precision bombardments are coming in, but as Sonax Industries controls all comm buoys in the Paz system, their accuracy is unverifiable at this time. Sonax-controlled imagery showed a large fleet moving from behind one of Garvug’s moons to orbit over the planet’s capital, a force including Binary Helix ships, which supposedly left Sonax’s coalition months ago. No representatives from those companies were available for comment; on the way to his skycar this morning, Binary Helix’s press secretary said merely, “You’ll see.”

Tags: binary helix, Dhazil, Garvug, Hailot Wrund, Paz System, Sonax Industries


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November 13th, 2010

Once again, fighting returned to the Terminus Systems world of Garvug, but this battle was brief and pointed. Guerilla gunmen overtook government buildings throughout the capital of Dhazil, meeting minimum resistance. In a televised speech from the former Sonax headquarters, clan chieftain and guerilla leader Hailot Wrund announced martial law until the government takeover was complete. “After this year of bloodshed and uncertainty, our home stands strong,” he said. “Garvug has brought down the tyrants and bloodsuckers of the galaxy. Our task now is to rebuild on the ashes of our enemies and take this colony to a victorious future.”

Tags: Dhazil, Garvug, Hailot Wrund, Sonax Industries, Terminus Systems