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Emigration to Alliance Colonies reaches record levels
August 2nd, 2011

More than 22 million Earth citizens officially migrated to the colonies last month, a new record and a 150% increase over the previous month. The numbers were collected by the United Nations Migration Organization based on self-reports of Earth governments. The Chinese People’s Federation, European Union, and United North American States accounted for two-thirds of the migration between them. Where are these migrants heading? Responses ranged from established colonies like Demeter, Terra Nova, and Amaterasu, to newer startup colonies including Cuervo, Intai’sei, and New Plymouth. While the UNMO report did not speculate on the cause of the uptick in migration, most analysts attributed it to the proposed 50% surtax that would be levied on migrating Earth citizens. According to Prof. Umi Okafor of the Institute for the Study of Human Governance at Cambridge University, the increase in migration was a foreseeable consequence of the tax. “The tax is politically popular,” Okafor said, “but very shortsighted. If it was intended to hurt the colonies by making Earthborns think twice about leaving Earth, it has backfired badly.”

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Amaterasu, Colonial League, Cuervo, Demeter, earth, Intai'sei, New Plymouth, Systems Alliance, Terra Nova


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Quarian arrested for Facinus support
August 1st, 2011

Authorities on Taetrus have arrested Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck on charges of providing support for the terrorist group Facinus. Local forces in the city of Spaedar raided Klemcheck’s apartment this morning. After leading the quarian out in handcuffs, they reported finding a small cache of weapons, as well as what they claim is evidence of her role in supporting terrorist activities. Little information has been released on nar Klemcheck, but it has been confirmed that she left the flotilla for her pilgrimage in 2184, and that she is the daughter of Nas’Atar vas Klemcheck, a senior member of the quarian Conclave.

Tags: Facinus, Taetrus


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Filmmaker defends movie
July 31st, 2011

Davin Kieffer defended Battle for the Verge from criticism today, claiming that his film is not unfair. “Battle for the Verge spends a great deal of time examining the brutality of enemy forces during the Skyllian Blitz,” Kieffer said. “However, the brutality of Torfan, and that brutality’s long term psychological impact on our own troops, are also important aspects of this story.” Kieffer’s defense has not silenced his critics, and protests have been reported outside some theaters showing the movie. However, other veterans have defended the film. “It was accurate. I couldn’t sit through everything, but it was accurate,” said Anton Lustin, a retired Marine. “And the scenes about after we came home… They’re true too. I have nightmares. I have flashbacks. Just like in the movie.”

Tags: Anton Lustin, Battle for the Verge, Davin Kieffer, Skyllian Blitz, Torfan


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Scientists to study unstable world
July 30th, 2011

Erana University is funding a four year study of Ekara, the third planet in the PNF-86753 system. A garden world, Ekara was viewed as a likely candidate for colonization. However, Council sponsored negotiations for colonization rights collapsed when it was determined that the planet suffers from an unusual level of seismic instability. The university announced their decision to fund the study late yesterday afternoon, and is in the process of assembling a team of experts. Several scientists have expressed interest in serving on the team, with one saying, “I’ve been curious about Ekara for years. We don’t normally see that much seismic instability on a garden world. Finding out why Ekara is so unique is the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Tags: Ekara, Erana University, PNF-86753


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Film criticized for portrayal of Torfan
July 29th, 2011

Davin Kieffer is drawing criticism for his new film, Battle for the Verge. The four hour historical docudrama covers the Skyllian Blitz and the Alliance response at Torfan. However, it has angered some veterans over what they claim is an excessive focus on alleged brutality at Torfan, as well as the psychological impact of the battle on Alliance troops. Said Meredith Gromley, a Torfan veteran, “The film chooses to ignore the strategic success at Torfan and instead portrays Alliance veterans as mentally troubled butchers. It’s garbage, and it’s disgraceful.” The criticism does not seem to have hurt ticket sales, as Battle for the Verge has surged to the top spot at the box office.

Tags: Battle for the Verge, Davin Kieffer, Meredith Gromley, Skyllian Blitz, Torfan


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Survey indicates more vacationing on Omega
July 28th, 2011

The University of Serrice’s annual vacation and leisure time survey indicates that Omega is increasing in popularity as a vacation destination for Citadel Space residents. Although the station is a destination for only a minority of respondents, that number has been growing consistently over the course of several years. When queried on their decisions, Omega’s lawlessness seems to be a selling point for many. According to one respondent, “You can buy anything there. Do anything. It’s even less restrictive than Illium.” C-Space law enforcement agencies, meanwhile, warn against travel to Omega, with C-Sec noting that Omega “places travelers outside the protection of the Council, and C-Space governments.”

Tags: Omega, University of Serrice


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Author Died from Red Sand Overdose
July 27th, 2011

Emma Salino announced today that Sagar Hawkins’ death was caused by a Red Sand overdose. It was not publicly known that her husband was struggling from a Red Sand addiction. Upon returning to Earth from her military post on Eden Prime, Ms. Salino discussed the matter with New York City authorities, and opted to make an announcement before word leaked out. In a statement to the press, Salino, an L2 biotic, told reporters, “Sagar loved me, and wanted to understand what it’s like to be a biotic. He began using Red Sand for that reason. Then we couldn’t get him to stop. His friends and I… we tried so hard to get him to stop.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: earth, Emma Salino, New York City, red sand, Sagar Hawkins


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Ward Councilors Arrested
July 26th, 2011

In what has been described as a major blow against political corruption, seven members of the Bachjret Ward Council have been arrested in separate C-Sec stings. Charges against the politicians range widely, from allegations of involvement in illegal weapons smuggling, to an arrest for nearly eight thousand credits worth of unpaid aircar tickets. The arrests have renewed calls for political reforms within the wards, with one Bachjret official pushing a proposal that includes mandatory financial disclosures, background checks, and ethics training for all elected officials.

Tags: Bachjret Ward, c-sec, citadel


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Elkoss Combine Recalls Submachine Guns
July 25th, 2011

Elkoss Combine has announced that they are recalling a batch of M-4 Shuriken Machine Pistols. The recall follows complaints that some M-4s have been suffering from frequent thermal clip jams, as well as reports that a small number have exploded when fired. In a statement, an Elkoss Combine representative admitted to the problems, and noted that M-4 Shuriken Machine Pistols with the serial numbers MFA-003567 through MFA-087796 “should be returned to a licensed Elkoss dealer.” According to the representative, “Due to a manufacturing error, a very small number of Shurikens are not adequately functional. We regret this development, and are offering a 25% discount on a future Elkoss Combine purchase for anyone who has been inconvenienced.”

Tags: Elkoss Combine, M-4 Shuriken


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Human Author Found Dead
July 24th, 2011

Sagar Hawkins, author of several e-novels, was found dead today in his New York City apartment. Hawkins, 54, was notable for becoming one of the first human authors of fiction to gain popularity outside of Alliance space. He had announced late last year that he was writing the third novel in his Trials and Hope series, which tells the story of a female human marine and a male turian soldier who fight each other in the First Contact War, meet after the war, fall in love, and endure the prejudices of their own races. The novel is reportedly unfinished. Emma Salino, Hawkins wife, is expected to return to Earth from her assignment with the Alliance marines to handle her late husband’s affairs.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: earth, Emma Salino, New York City, Sagar Hawkins


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Band Kicks off Reunion Tour
July 23rd, 2011

The Screaming Pyjacks kicked off a 10 planet reunion tour last evening, with a concert at the Nos Astra Performing Arts Complex, on Illium. The concert was a smash success, with the audience going wild when the Pyjacks performed “Flower of Tuchanka” for the first time since breaking up in 2166. The band insists that the reunion is temporary, but fans on Illium wanted them to reconsider: Throughout the evening, members of the audience chanted for a permanent comeback. “The Screaming Pyjacks are the best band I’ve ever heard,” said Telea Delear, an asari youth. “Even after 20 years, they’re all I listen to.”

Tags: Flower of Tuchanka, Illium, Nos Astra, Telea Delear, The Screaming Pyjacks


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A.I. Advocates Hold Conference
July 22nd, 2011

Several groups promoting equal rights for A.I.s have assembled in Armstrong, for what has been dubbed the “Luna Conference.” The intent is for advocates to network, develop common goals, and consider how their organizations can better coordinate efforts. Several attendees have noted that the geth attack was a major setback for synthetic rights. However, all seem committed to continuing their efforts. “It’s about basic fairness and equality,” said Din Tomar, an attendee. “Earth clan, Vol clan, whatever… it’s about getting our people to recognize that synthetics are sentients who deserve the same rights we have.”

Tags: Armstrong, Din Tomar, Luna, Luna Conference


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Institute Solicits Views on Future
July 21st, 2011

What will the next 200 years be like? The Tanala Institute for Science and Technology has solicited predictions from the galaxy’s leading scientists, futurists, and science fiction authors on what the next two centuries will bring. Their responses have been posted on the Tanala Institute’s extranet page, where the general public can also post their own views on what life will be like by 2386. According to Inoste Surris, a representative of the Institute, “People sometimes dismiss this kind of forward thinking as ‘fantasy,’ but we feel it’s important. It can be hard for many of us non-asari to grasp, but sometimes you need to visualize a future if you want it to happen.”

Tags: Inoste Surris, Tanala Institute for Science and Technology


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Colonies promise lawsuit over new emigration tax
July 20th, 2011

The Colonial League responded to a proposed surtax on emigrants from Earth with threats of a lawsuit. Colonial League President Savion Hunter was joined by representatives from the 14 colonies who formed the league at a press conference on Arcturus Station yesterday. Hunter accused Earth’s governments of “naked, shameless protectionism that will not stand up in an Alliance Court.” In a white paper released at the conference, League lawyers argue that the proposed tax violates the Alliance Charter, which guarantees a right to free and unrestricted travel and migration within the Alliance, and forbids Earth or Colonial government from regulating interstate or intergalactic commerce. If the suit was successful, the Alliance would face the task of forcing Earth’s governments to repeal local laws, a power which the Alliance has not invoked in 20 years. Lawyers for the Earth governments who proposed the tax refused to comment on the League’s threatened lawsuit.

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Arcturus Station, Colonial League, earth, Savion Hunter, Systems Alliance


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Council rules on Kal’Alite cloning
July 19th, 2011

The Citadel Council has ruled that Kal’Alite cloning should not take place immediately, but that the Kal’Alite DNA should be preserved at a Council run facility for possible future cloning. A Council spokesperson said, “Laboratory cloning of plant and animal life from the Kal’Alites’ homeworld will be allowed, but, right now, we just don’t know enough to feel comfortable cloning the Kal’Alites themselves.”

Neither side in the ethical debate seems satisfied with this outcome. Dr. Izza Chorlan said the Council “ducked issue at hand,” and Dr. Kenneth Albright said that the Council “is putting future generations at risk by not setting clear standards.” Biotech companies such as Binary Helix, meanwhile, have expressed anticipation for experimenting with extinct plant and animal life from the Kal’Alites’ homeworld.

Tags: Citadel Council, Kal'Ala, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System


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Financial crisis strikes virtual world
July 18th, 2011

The Galaxy of Fantasy community was shocked yesterday when the player-run economy was completely wiped out by the systematic eradication of the largest guild on Dacia server, ‘The Legion of Black Roots.’ The Legion of Black Roots were the prime source of many in-game crafted items, using the in-game currency gathered from selling their wares to other players to finance large-scale raids and guild wars with rival groups. Sources within the MMORPG’s maintenance and game master staff state that a server-wide infiltration and takeover of all of the Legion’s command and leadership positions by one such rival guild was perpetrated over the course of the last standard year. This subsequently led to the guild’s complete destruction during a surprise attack against all of the Black Roots’ holdings on the server. With the main source of many crafted items having been destroyed, the in-game economy quickly crashed, and many shortages of everything from expendable armor parts to manufactured weapons have been reported. Other guilds, long since outstripped by the Black Roots, have been trying to fill the gap, but the attack was devastating enough to the in-game economy that the GM staff may be forced to take action.

[via Citadel Holo-Entertainment Daily]

Tags: Galaxy of Fantasy, Legion of Black Roots


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Charges against Gahl Jackson released
July 16th, 2011

C-Sec has detailed the charges that it is filing against Gahl Jackson. The youth is being accused of repeatedly accessing his parents’ personal databases, and passing along sensitive files from the human and asari offices on the Citadel to the Batarian Hegemony.

Compromised files reportedly include negotiations between the salarians and the asari for increased cooperation in weapons research, as well as recent Council sponsored discussions between turians and humans regarding the Treaty of Farixen. Lawyers for Gahl Jackson denied the charges.

Tags: Batarian Hegemony, c-sec, Gahl Jackson


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United Nations proposes new tax on emigrants to colonies
July 15th, 2011

Long-standing tensions between Earth and the Colonies spilled over onto the floor of the United Nations building in New York City today, when a group of industrialized nations led by members of the European Union, the Chinese People’s Federation, and the United North American States proposed a treaty that would lay a heavy tax on all emigrants from Earth to the Colonies. Under the proposal, any Earth citizen seeking to emigrate to the Colonies would be required to sell all of their real estate on Earth, and then pay a 50% surtax upon departure from Earth on both the proceeds from such sales and on any savings they bring with them over C100,000 credits. CPF ambassador Li Fang, the principal sponsor of the proposal, said that the tax was a justified response to the colonies’ attempts at “inciting sedition and rebellion, particularly through their recent deceptive advertising campaign. Earth is the parent of humanity, and if the children on her colonies think they can steal our citizens and their wealth away from us with lies and half-truths, they are gravely mistaken.”

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Colonial League, earth, Systems Alliance, United Nations


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Kal’Alite DNA sparks ethical controversy
July 13th, 2011

The recently discovered Kal’Alite DNA has sparked controversy within Citadel Space, as a group of scientists have begun to advocate the cloning of new Kal’Alites. Dr. Izza Chorlan of the Mannovai Institute recently said to reporters, “The discovered DNA represents major chance for new scientific discovery. Chance to recreate and observe race thought extinct. It would be foolish to pass on the opportunity.”

Others have expressed doubt. Dr. Kenneth Albright, with Lowell City College, said, “There are major ethical considerations here. We’d be recreating a lost species, yes, but they would be thrust into an uncertain status, with a complete lack of knowledge about their own history and culture. I’m not sure that’s a very smart idea.”

Tags: Izza Chorlan, Kal'Ala, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System, Kenneth Albright, Mannovai Institute


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Son of two diplomats arrested
July 11th, 2011

Gahl Jackson, the adopted batarian son of human diplomat Gary Jackson and asari diplomat Liena Syrinus, has been arrested by C-Sec for espionage. C-Sec agents pulled the youth out of his classes at a Presidium private school this morning.

Gary Jackson and Liena Syrinus, both employees at their respective embassies, adopted Gahl Jackson from a Tayseri Ward orphanage in 2179. The now 17 year old Gahl is an honor student, but is described by his classmates as a quiet loner. C-Sec has stated that more information on the charges will be released soon.

Tags: c-sec, citadel, Gahl Jackson, Gary Jackson, Liena Syrinus, Tayseri Ward