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Alliance Business Consortium holds conference
August 22nd, 2011

The Alliance Business Consortium opened its annual conference today, with a series of panel discussions, guest lectures, and networking events planned for the coming week. In a twist, this year’s ABC conference is not being held within Alliance space. Rather, ABC organizers opted to hold the conference on the Presidium level of the Citadel. Representatives from nearly every major Alliance corporation are attending, and plan to meet with dignitaries and business leaders from throughout Citadel space during off hours social events.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Alliance Business Consortium, citadel
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Atar sentenced to death
August 21st, 2011

Following a trial that lasted a mere two days, a Taetrus court has sentenced Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck to death. Speaking to an unresponsive Atar, the judge said, “Given your aid and support for actions that caused massive deaths, this court has no choice but to hand down its most severe punishment.” Although Atar herself has not made a statement, her supporters are complaining about the short length of the trial, as well as the quality of evidence that was introduced. “It felt more like what the humans would call a lynch mob,” said Atar’s lawyer. “There wasn’t anything about this that upheld the ideals of the turian justice system.”

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 131 Comments »


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Questions raised about Tuchanka deaths
August 20th, 2011

Questions are being raised about the deaths of a University of Serrice science team and their Elanus Risk Control escorts. According to sources with the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission, little evidence exists that a thresher maw is currently living near Clan Torak. Instead, orbital monitoring recorded what appeared to be a pitched firefight in the area where the team was operating. The CDEM has reported that they are launching an investigation into the matter, while a spokesman for Clan Torak refused to comment.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka, University of Serrice


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Scott City residents protest lawsuit
August 19th, 2011

A group of Scott City protesters gathered outside City Hall today, to express their displeasure with Mayor Richard Santana’s lawsuit against the Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture. Organized by the Scott City Preservation Society and led by former mayor Bill Hansley, the protesters expressed their desire to see Founders Park continue to play a role in Scott City’s downtown area. “Leanne Ling was one of Terra Nova’s most notable residents,” said Hansley. “Her money helped fund this colony, and her PR efforts on Earth helped populate it. The park and community center were her last gifts. I want them here to remind my grand-children and great grand-children of the role she played.” Mayor Richard Santana’s office issued only a brief response, noting that calls to his office favor redeveloping the park by a large margin.

Tags: Bill Hansley, Founders Park, Richard Santana, Scott City, Terra Nova
Posted in Unofficial News | 17 Comments »


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Pollen uptick part of cycle
August 18th, 2011

Preliminary study of the pollen uptick on Iness indicates that it is part of a natural cycle, and cannot be altered. According to researchers, most Iness plant life begins producing unusually large amounts of pollen every 200 years. The increased production continues every spring and summer for 80 years, over every habitable region of the planet. The news is a devastating blow to the colony’s long term viability. Most colonists are now forced to wear breather masks when venturing outdoors, and tourism has virtually ended. “It’s horrible,” said one colonist. “We have to run air purifiers inside our homes. Outside, everything is covered in pollen. My aircar, my apartment building, the stores downtown, they’re all caked in it.”

Tags: Iness
Posted in Unofficial News | 19 Comments »


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Science team killed on Tuchanka
August 17th, 2011

Clan Torak on Tuchanka reports that a University of Serrice research team has been killed by a thresher maw. The team of biologists had traveled to Tuchanka to conduct a study on the adaptive abilities of local wildlife. They had reportedly secured Clan Torak’s permission to operate in their territory, located in the remote badlands outside the Republic of Ghurst’s northern border. The scientists were accompanied by an Elanus Risk Control team for protection. The Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission has notified the relatives of the four asari, two salarians, three humans, and four turians that were part of the expedition.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Thresher Maw, tuchanka, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 35 Comments »


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Atar supporters claim abuse
August 16th, 2011

Supporters of Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck are saying that the she has suffered physical and mental abuse from her turian prison guards, and are claiming that her public confession was brought about by stress from the conditions at her prison. “My daughter is a victim,” said Conclave member Nas’Atar vas Klemcheck, who has been in touch with his daughter. “She was manipulated by a terrorist, and now she is suffering abuse at the hands of the Taetrus government. Her previous statement was the result of stress and anger from that abuse.”

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 57 Comments »


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Atar admits to Facinus support
August 15th, 2011

In a surprise public statement today, Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck admitted to providing support for Facinus. The statement had been requested by Atar and her lawyer, and amounted to a half hour long rant against the Turian Hierarchy, which she referred to as “irredeemably corrupt” and accused of slaughtering civilians. Atar ended by saying, “The day will come when all turians, on Taetrus and elsewhere, cast off the shackles of their oppressors. I admit that I supported Facinus. I am proud that I supported Facinus. I would support Facinus again.” Atar’s lawyer seemed surprised by his client’s words, and would not comment to reporters.

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 79 Comments »


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Stolen asari artwork recovered
August 14th, 2011

Authorities in Rio de Janeiro, on Earth, report that they have recovered several asari works of art that were stolen prior to humanity’s first contact with alien races. The artwork is a set of eight nude and semi-nude statues that were commissioned to honor an asari commando who was killed during the Krogan Rebellions. Each was reported stolen from a private residence on Thessia nearly 350 years ago. The Rio de Janeiro police discovered the statues, which are suspected black market purchases, while raiding the home of a local businessman for a separate investigation. Authorities have contacted the statues’ legal owner, and have made plans to return them to her at her current residence on the Citadel.

Tags: earth, Rio de Janeiro
Posted in Unofficial News | 76 Comments »


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Mayor testifies at hearing
August 13th, 2011

Scott City Mayor Richard Santana traveled from Terra Nova to Earth, to testify before an emergency hearing of the Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture. The hearing was held in response to Scott City’s lawsuit over the naming of Founders Park as a historically significant site. During his testimony, Mayor Santana asked the organization to reconsider their ruling, and placed partial blame on former Mayor Bill Hansley, who Santana narrowly defeated in the last election. “We had differing proposals for Founders Park,” said Santana. “Before he left office, he submitted the application to have Founders Park protected. I requested that the application be retracted, but you refused. I ask that you reconsider your decision, and uphold the will of Scott City voters.”

Tags: Bill Hansley, Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture, earth, Founders Park, Richard Santana, Scott City, Terra Nova
Posted in Unofficial News | 19 Comments »


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Flotilla intervenes in Atar case
August 12th, 2011

A representative from the quarian flotilla arrived on Taetrus this morning, and was granted a meeting with Taetrian Primarch Idus Valen. In the meeting, the representative asked that Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck be released to the flotilla, citing concerns that turian prisons may be incapable of safely housing a quarian prisoner. Speaking before a room of reporters this afternoon, Primarch Valen recounted the meeting, and officially denied the request: “The quarian chose to come to Taetrus. She chose to associate with terrorists. She chose to help spill turian blood. Now she must face the consequences of those choices.”

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 84 Comments »


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Terra Nova park sparks lawsuit
August 11th, 2011

Earth’s Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture is embroiled in a Terra Nova legal dispute. The Council has designated Founders Park, in Scott City, a “culturally significant site.” The designation was issued because the civic center at the heart of the park was the last building ever designed by noted architect Leanne Ling, who emigrated to Terra Nova with the first colonists. The City of Scott has filed a lawsuit challenging the designation, claiming that it unfairly killed plans to demolish the park in favor of future development, as such actions would now violate Terra Nova and Alliance laws protecting historically designated sites. “The park is in a central, downtown location,” said a Scott City representative. “We respect the past, but Terra Nova has plenty of green space. We need sites for housing and commerce.”

Tags: Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture, Scott City, Terra Nova
Posted in Unofficial News | 36 Comments »


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Footage of nuclear-biological annihilation released
August 10th, 2011

After centuries of debate, the Thessia Institute for Science and Exploration has released a controversial video: Footage of the self-annihilation of an entire race. Taken in 1827 CE, the footage was captured by a deep space probe sent to survey the system known as PF-2845. The probe arrived at the system’s only garden world just as the native sentients destroyed themselves with multiple salvos of nuclear and biological warheads. The footage has been described as chilling, with one historian saying, “It’s totally unnerving. You see the flashes as entire cities go up in flames. Over the course of the video, an entire race dies.”

Tags: PF-2845, Thessia Institute for Science and Exploration
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Prosecutors detail Atar charges
August 9th, 2011

Taetrus authorities laid out the full charges against Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck at a press conference, today. Based on seized documents, intercepted communications, and statements from captured Facinus members, prosecutors allege that Atar played a major role in Facinus logistical support, by helping to ensure that Facinus forces and safe houses throughout Taetrus were well armed and well supplied. Prosecutors also allege that Atar helped ferry weapons, food, tools, and equipment to Vamire Squaron, and knew in advance of the planned FTL attack on Vallum. “Eyewitness accounts indicate that Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck helped perpetrate one of the worst atrocities in the history of Taetrus,” said one prosecutor. “She is not helpless. She is not naive. She is a mass murderer.”

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus, Vallum, Vamire Squaron
Posted in Unofficial News | 58 Comments »


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Proposed Colonial emigration tax withdrawn
August 8th, 2011

In a widely expected move, a proposal to levy a heavy tax on the income and property of Earth citizens migrating to the exsolar colonies was indefinitely tabled at the United Nations today at the end of its General Assembly session. The proposal’s fate was sealed last week when Alliance Prime Minister Amul Shastri called the tax “a non-starter and a dead letter,” and pledged support for Colonial efforts to have the law declared void under the Alliance Charter. In addition, the proposed tax had been meeting with stiff opposition from Earth’s business and industrial leaders, who said that the tax would make it harder to recruit qualified workers for off-world jobs, as well as political leaders from Africa and India, where colonial emigration has been instrumental in solving those continents’ chronic problems with overpopulation and depleted natural resources. Chinese People’s Federation Ambassador Li Fang, the author of the proposal, refused to comment as he departed for Beijing.

[via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Colonial League, Systems Alliance


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Pyjacks reunion tour comes to Citadel
August 7th, 2011

The Screaming Pyjacks reunion tour came to the Citadel last evening, where the group played to a packed Taralos Amphitheater. Half way through the show, lead singer Vorenus Malenuu shocked the audience by introducing a new song, “Flower Sequel,” a follow up to the popular “Flower of Tuchanka.” Malenuu told reporters, “The song was a group effort. The whole tour has been so fantastic. None of us even care about why we broke up anymore.” Though the singer refused to comment on whether the band might officially get back together, entertainment analysts have begun speculating on that outcome. “It certainly sounds like they want this again,” said retired music producer Ober Konia. “If the tour was just about the money, I wouldn’t expect them to collaborate on new songs.”

Tags: citadel, Flower of Tuchanka, Flower Sequel, Ober Konia, The Screaming Pyjacks, Vorenus Malenuu
Posted in Unofficial News | 32 Comments »


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Memorial Held for Sagar Hawkins
August 6th, 2011

A public memorial for Sagar Hawkins was held in Earth’s New York City today. The memorial, which was overflowing with friends, family members, and fans, was broadcast on screens throughout New York City, and was also streamed over the extranet. Emma Salino, the late author’s wife, talked about the need to “remember Sagar from his best days, instead of dwelling on what red sand did to him at the end.” Many of Hawkins fans did not arrive in time to obtain a seat, and instead stood outside and watched the event on the public screens. Most had a similar assessment of the author, and his legacy. According to Ariadne Nelyse, a graduate student of human history at New York University, “Sagar Hawkins is who made me interested in learning more about humans. His death is a terrible loss for the galaxy.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Ariadne Nelyse, earth, Emma Salino, New York City, Sagar Hawkins


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Information on quarian Facinus supporter released
August 5th, 2011

Information has been released on Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck. According to authorities, she first became aware of Facinus in 2184. During a stop on the Citadel, she became romantically linked with Duro Sagarax, a Kithoi Ward merchant who held Facinus sympathies. She followed him when he returned to Taetrus in early 2185, where he was killed during the battle at Spaedar. Friends of Atar describe her as “naive,” and “easily influenced.” A Kithoi Ward merchant who knew both individuals told reporters, “Sohl didn’t have anything when she met Duro. He helped her. You could tell that she was willing to follow him anywhere.”

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus


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Salarian colony suffers allergy problems
August 4th, 2011

Colonists on the salarian world of Iness are seeking help, after native plants inexplicably began producing unusually large amounts of pollen. Iness was settled by the salarians in 2169, and has steadily grown in population. It has developed a robust tourism industry, due in part to its beautiful open spaces and unique wildlife. Scientists do not yet have an explanation for the uptick in pollen production, but the impact on colonists and tourism has been noticeable: Levo races suffer from watery and itchy eyes, as well as near debilitating headaches and bouts of sneezing. Dextro races have been warned to stay away from Iness entirely, as several turians have been hospitalized from exposure to the pollen.

Tags: Iness, Salarian Union


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Alliance Dairy Association promotes ice cream
August 3rd, 2011

In an attempt to increase exports of ice cream, the Alliance Dairy Association has begun giving out free samples on the Citadel and several non-Alliance worlds. The samples feature brands from a variety of Alliance companies, and include flavors ranging from vanilla, to bubblegum, to the newly introduced “blueshift extreme.” The head of the Dairy Association stated that she hopes the samples will increase demand, while decreasing support for trade barriers the industry has encountered with some governments.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Alliance Dairy Association, citadel, ice cream, Systems Alliance