
Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 15th, 2010

The standoff at Kasatum fortress on Taetrus has come to a grisly end. At 0721 local time, colonialist forces dropped a 6-ton thermobaric bomb on the historical fortress with a parachute, slowing its decent so that it would not trigger the kinetic barriers. The bomb was loud enough that even reserve units of the surrounding army were issued hearing protection, and dust kicked up by its mushroom cloud became a breathing hazard. Portions of the hardened building were still standing when the smoke cleared, but those inside are presumed dead — the bomb consumed all oxygen in the immediate area, sucking it out of ventilation ducts before they were melted shut.

Tags: Facinus, Kasatum, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 34 Comments »


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 14th, 2010

Colonialist forces in the Diluvian Wildlands on Taetrus have surrounded the fortress of Kasatum, believed to be one of the last holdouts of the separatist leadership. The building, built in the early days of the planet’s civil wars, is reinforced against most explosives and has hardpoint-grade kinetic barriers to resist mass accelerator attacks. The separatist group claims it has two dozen hostages inside and in a sign of their increasing desperation, demanded a spaceship to depart the planet. Asked if he would consider the group’s demands, General Partinax replied, “We have a negotiation specialist handling that, but I can say giving Facinus access to another FTL craft is quite low on my list of desirable outcomes.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, General Partinax, Kasatum, Taetrus, Vallum


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 13th, 2010

A new technology is helping victims of the Vallum Blast breathe easier — literally. Researchers at U. Thierax are attacking the myriad of respiratory diseases caused by inhaling dust around the blast site. Dubbed “medi-gel for the lungs,” the Eupulmos Device analyzes a patient’s tissue or medicard record before adjusting its virally-delivered superdrugs to match the patient’s genetic predispositions. After that, the mister sprays the aerosol into the patient’s nasal passages and the drug is absorbed into the lungs. The mister can also deliver microsurgery machines to make non-invasive repairs to tissue and has a color-coded nozzle at each end with separate agent reservoirs for dextro and levo patients. Said one ER staffer, “The effect is incredible. In a year, the whole galaxy will be using these things.”

Tags: Eupulmos Device, U. Thierax, Vallum Blast


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 12th, 2010

A-listers are following the queen of asari pop in the latest charity trend: adopting turian children displaced by the Vallum Blast and subsequent war on Taetrus. Between reinventing herself, music genres, and everything else, Arah T’Hass adopted four children orphaned in the blast. Megastar Delilah Jordan followed suit by adopting a pair of twin boys, and recently, Columbia Rios and her husband took in a whole family of refugees. Said T’Hass, “I hope it does catch on! There’s so much suffering on Taetrus right now. It felt like the only moral thing to do. And having one dextro kitchen and one levo kitchen is totally not as hard as people make it out to be.” Asked for her opinion on the violence of the war, T’Hass replied, “The turians have their way of dealing with it. I have mine.”

Tags: Arah T'Hass, Columbia Rios, Delilah Jordan, Taetrus, Vallum
Posted in Official News | 39 Comments »


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July 11th, 2010

There were no surprises on the download charts this weekend: “Nekyia Corridor” is on its way to becoming the highest-grossing sim ever. The long-awaited actioner charmed another 9.1 billion out of audiences galaxy-wide, passing the asari classic “Confederates” in adjusted credits. “It’s absolutely unreal to be at the center of something this big,” says director Morgan Bierster. “I can only say thank you to the fans for giving me my own Hollywood ending. I thought I was going to have to sell shoes for a living when this was done.” In the giant’s shadow, low-budget holo horror “The Phage 2″ scooped up 653 million credits by squeezing scares out of a sentient salarian biowarfare project that dissolves people outright.

Tags: Confederates, Morgan Bierster, nekyia corridor, The Phage 2
Posted in Official News | 13 Comments »


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July 10th, 2010

The rate at which Diluvian citizens are capitulating to invading Hierarchy forces is amazing to some observers, but not so to psychological specialists such as Lilira Sycoram. “Inasmuch as one can speak of species-wide cultural trends with any accuracy, turian society is set up to take military orders for communal action. You have an entire population that understands the costs and methods of war. When it becomes clear that the ideological center of a movement is beaten, once the ‘center of gravity’ goes, turians readily switch their allegiances to the larger, succesful community — in this case the Hierarchy. This tends to happen only in turian-on-turian conflicts, but when it does, it spares both sides the long, bloody guerilla wars seen so often in many other species’ history.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 28 Comments »


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July 9th, 2010

A viral extranet video containing an embedded virus has analysts wondering if Taetrian separatist group Facinus is to blame or whether the culprit is Hierarchy intelligence and psychological operations teams. “Propaganda has come a long way since the days of the leaflet and Axis Sally,” says Taylor Joyce, former Alliance psyops specialist. “When it comes to the extranet, black propaganda, posing as the enemy to put words in their mouths is the order of the day. The Hierarchy wants separatists associated with viruses and spam — things you ignore and delete — rather than rational beings with an alternate point of view.” Former Hierarchy agent Gradius Iherax is confident the virus is Facinus’ work. “Any black-prop operation must be performed with a backup plan for when, not if, the truth comes out. If the Hierarchy did this, the loss to their honor and credibility would be tremendous. The op would never get approved.”

Tags: Facinus, Gradius Iherax, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 16 Comments »


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July 8th, 2010

The following video has been isolated as potential junk mail or a virus-infected message. A safe preview follows:


The channel you are viewing is unavailable. Try again later.

Tags: Facinus
Posted in Official News | 60 Comments »


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 7th, 2010

A dashboard camera video of an improvised explosive device that toppled an infantry fighting vehicle on Taetrus has garnered over 560 million extranet hits. Five servicemen were riding in a C77 Tyrus vehicle when the explosive, buried in the center of the road, went off. The bomb, made from two artillery shells and a detonator, threw the 13-ton vehicle into the air but failed to pierce its kinetic barriers and armor. The crew escaped with minor injuries and used the Tyrus’ eezo core to lower its mass and right the vehicle with the aid of a tow cable and an aircar. Asked about the crew’s hospital stay, Corporal Siyan replied, “We’re resting, eating, and buying stock in Armax,” referring to the vehicle’s manufacturer.”

Tags: Armax, C77 Tyrus, Corporal Siyan, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 28 Comments »


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 5th, 2010

The struggle to contain vital information is a key part of any war, but today it’s more difficult than ever. Citizen reporters, aided by cheap, concealable technology such as camera-clothing and micro-surveillance can easily cross the line from witness to antiwar activist or spy. “We feed the major media outlets satisfying, nonvital info,” said Lieutenant Colonel Sanex Irvinus. “In return, they tend to stay professional. It’s more difficult when a noncombatant plants a microbug on a person or vehicle. Their data goes straight to the antiwar media, and minutes later, the mainstream echoes it. You wouldn’t believe the counter-surveillance methods we’ve had to use.” Activist groups like TruthHax say the trend won’t go away. “Intelligence services and media conglomerates pay for info, and activists just do it because it’s right,” said one unnamed source. “If you could stop a war with information, if you could kill its support without driving up the cost in lives, wouldn’t you be obliged to try?”

Tags: Lieutenant Colonel Sanex Irvinus, truthhax


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 5th, 2010

A meteor strike has delayed the construction of the Susskind Supercollider, a particle accelerator being constructed in Trikalon’s orbit. The Susskind is a type of collider called a fermitron and is a centuries-old asari venture now funded, named, and built by humans. It’s believed a fermitron hasn’t been constructed since the time of the Protheans. Formerly scheduled to come online in September (Earth Standard), the new damage will prolong construction until 2186. When completed, the Susskind collider will be 13,508 kilometers in circumference and will encircle Trikalon completely. The Susskind is the largest artificial satellite ever to have human workers and will be the galaxy’s largest building in terms of square meters, surpassing the volus’ hotel-filled Mall of Quanaha.

Tags: fermitron, Mall of Quanaha, Susskind Supercollider, Trikalon


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 5th, 2010

A meteor strike has delayed the construction of the Susskind Supercollider, a particle accelerator being constructed in Trikalon’s orbit. The Susskind is a type of collider called a fermitron and is a centuries-old asari venture now funded, named, and built by humans. It’s believed a fermitron hasn’t been constructed since the time of the Protheans. Formerly scheduled to come online in September (Earth Standard), the new damage will prolong construction until 2186. When completed, the Susskind collider will be 13,508 kilometers in circumference and will encircle Trikalon completely. The Susskind is the largest artificial satellite ever to have human workers and will be the galaxy’s largest building in terms of square meters, surpassing the volus’ hotel-filled Mall of Quanaha.

Tags: fermitron, Mall of Quanaha, Susskind Supercollider, Trikalon


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 4th, 2010

Box office receipts are in, and audiences went to hell and back for the sexy movie with the unsexy name. “Nekyia Corridor” demolished four-day records, scooping up a tidy 302 million extra credits from its Earth audiences in North America, who had a three-day weekend due to a political holiday. “Nekyia” broke three records for single-day takes and capped the Thursday-Monday streak off at a whopping 13.3 billion credits. Asked if there was any way to increase the hit’s profits, director Morgan Bierster said, “I guess we could build more theaters.” Meanwhile, back among mortals, the comedy anthology “Gagged” scooped up 677 million credits. Says producer Scott Hayson, “Yeah, we brought in a pretty big audience ourselves… during Nekyia’s intermission.”

Tags: box office, Gagged, Morgan Bierster, nekyia corridor, Scott Hayson


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 3rd, 2010

The reviews continue to pour in for Nekyia Corridor, some offended, but most overawed. “A simulstim that can impress both human and asari audiences is hard enough,” says columnist Gara Sator of simswithguns.com, “but Bierster has the insane dream of going after the whole galaxy. From the reaction I saw among salarian audiences, he might just get it.” Meanwhile, Lucy Tannenbaum of sharpstickintheeye.com says, “The adventures of the protagonists are so jaw-droppingly extreme that they would be called unbelievable in a holo, except that you know that this is a sim, and some crazy mother[expletive] actually had to do it. Before the shock wears off, you’re willing to believe any hoo-ha the sсript throws at you.”

Tags: Gara Sator, Lucy Tannenbaum, nekyia corridor, Sharpstickintheeye.com, simswithguns.com


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 2nd, 2010

Productivity is taking a hit across Citadel space as the so-called “Nekyia flu” spreads. “My company gave us the afternoon off,” says Birili T’Lannas, a Thessian fan of the space epic. “Half of us were dead tired after camping out last night, and the other half didn’t come in today, so they gave up.” The sim is also proving popular on salarian worlds: “Some friends went last night, and they won’t stop quoting it,” said Ijib Tar, a custodian at Mannovai’s Itarus University. “It’s showing on all the simtables at our local theater, so the lineups won’t be bad.” Even rear echelon soldiers on Garvug are getting a taste. “They’ve earned a break,” said Captain Andre Closson of Sonax Industries. “Some of our troops have been waiting for this sim longer than they’ve been enlisted. It reminds people there’s a bigger galaxy waiting for us. We screen it one hour at a time, though, on account of its length.”

Tags: Birili T'Lannas, Garvug, Ijib Tar, Itarus University, nekyia corridor


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
July 1st, 2010

The wait is finally over: “Nekyia Corridor” opened at midnight last night to throngs of camped-out fans. The 5.3 billion-credit juggernaut broke first-day release records, sucking up 2.97 billion credits in 20 (Citadel standard) hours. “At its core, the sim’s about falling in love, losing that love, and trying to get it back”, says director Morgan Bierster. “It just takes place in one of the most dangerous parts of space where ancient asari once believed the souls of the dead went.” Turian reviewers have called the FTL-impact scene “haunting” in light of the Vallum Blast, one saying “being in the body of the pilot is gut-wrenching; the cut-away leaves everything to the imagination and is just the right move”. Human reviews were mixed, one saying, “it harbors the vain hope that the viewer will turn his brain off while [the movie] at the same time bends over backwards to stimulate it… the result is adrenaline-charged, but emotionally exhausting.”

Tags: nekyia corridor
Posted in Official News | 11 Comments »


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 30th, 2010

Diluvian separatists attacked a weapons destruction facility on Taetrus today, detonating a truck bomb at the gate to the steelworks plant where captured weapons were being stored. Squads of citizen militia swarmed into the plant, trying to steal small arms and missile launchers; however, they met stiff resistance from an infantry platoon stationed at the facility. After a half-hour standoff, the separatists were forced to retreat into the city, leaving their dead and wounded behind. The fight has become a highly publicized victory for occupation forces, who have gathered more than 140,000 weapons from surrendering citizens and military units.

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 14 Comments »


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 29th, 2010

Controversy brews tonight over the decision to continue the war on Taetrus. Analysis by a Second Star Broadcasting reporter reveals that the colonialist army has captured or killed 21 of the 24 top Facinus Leaders. Casualty estimated from across Diluvian lands run from 15,000 to 18,000 uniformed fighters and 45,000 to 80,000 citizen insurgents. Deaths of noncitizens, which include children, the mentally incompetent,and those unfit for duty, are estimated between 7,000 and 8,000. While these numbers indicated significant progress in the war, General Partinax is quick to say major combat operations are not complete. “Our estimated are that 60-70% of the population has made it to the safe camps,” he announced. “That is a significant number, but the unknown factor is the number of citizen insurgents who will continue to resist. This war’s prolongation is on their heads.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Taetrus


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 28th, 2010

Flash mobs rallied today on Taetrus, protesting the prolongation of the war. Safe camps were the scenes of many such rallies, where noncombatants tried to pressure the citizen resistance fighters into surrendering. “The soldiers here aren’t faceless snipers,” said Teheris Gaudium, organizer of the rally in Spaedar. “They are our husbands and brothers, our wives and mothers. We’re marching today to show that if they want to separate from the Hierarchy, they’ll be separating from us, too.” Organizer Hanae Daphnon was even more blunt. “The resistance has gotten countless people killed. The sooner everyone surrenders, the sooner we can all go home.”

Tags: Hanae Daphnon, Spaedar, Taetrus, Teheris Gaudium
Posted in Official News | 20 Comments »


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 26th, 2010

An attack on a safe camp on the planet of Taetrus has, to the surprise of many human observers, increased sympathies for the invading colonialist forces. Four gunmen dressed in colonialist uniforms, presumably separatists, attempted to gain entry to the camps before their identicards malfunctioned and a firefight broke out, killing eight and wounding eleven. “These incidents are not unheard of in turian history,” explained General Partinax at his daily press conference. “Their objective was to cause bloodshed within the safe camps and attribute it to war crimes. They want the camps to seem unsafe to humiliate us. But public sympathy often swings the other way, especially when the truth comes out. The camps are a place of mercy, and the public reacts strongly to anything that threatens that tradition.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 16 Comments »