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January 12th, 2011

Alliance headquarters on Arcturus Station is buzzing about an unusual incident tonight. Information is still sketchy, but it appears asari explorers have alerted Alliance leadership to a previously unknown colony of humans in the Alpha Centauri system. The asari were monitoring a primitive alien species on a planet in the region when a human party approached and ambushed them, taking at least one asari scientist prisoner. Rather than intervene and potentially inflame the situation, the asari contacted Alliance leadership to maintain peace. But as one Alliance source confided, that’s easier said than done. The source explained: “The thing is, we can’t find any record of these people. None. So what are they doing out there?” Further details will follow as the situation develops.

Tags: Alpha Centauri, Arcturus Station, Systems Alliance


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January 11th, 2011

“Creeper,” a powerful new hallucinogenic drug, is fetching record prices at 9,000 credits per gram on the black market. Several fringe spiritual groups are claiming it grants especially potent visions, while recreational drug-users say it offers hours of colorful daydreams with virtually no side-effects. But not everyone is so sanguine about its use: “There are no long-term medical studies on the effects of creeper on someone’s body,” warns Doctor Darla Rory, a specialist on addictive substances. “And as always, people prone to addiction are at risk. Creeper’s sense of escapism hooks people on a psychological level, not a chemical one. It’s extremely insidious in that regard.”

Tags: Creeper, Darla Rory, narcotics


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January 10th, 2011

Controversy brews tonight as scientists on Mars assess the contents of a newly opened chamber in the Prothean ruins. The opening has been a dream of exoarchaeologists for decades, delayed by the many steps necessary to replicate Prothean code keys and crack the cryptography for entry. Critics say the Milky Way Foundation, which provided supercomputers for the cryptanalysis, could hoard any Prothean discoveries. Dr. Unira T’Lam, liaison from the Citadel Committee on Paleotechnology, says she’s been kept in the dark. “Foundation personnel have orchestrated a security system that keeps out everyone except a select cabal,” she accuses. “Anything could be taken from inside and we’d never know.” Dr. Ilsa Warren, who heads the analysis unit, dismisses the allegation. “We’ve made it clear all technology stays in situ throughout the cataloging and analysis process, which could take years,” she says. “Dr. T’Lam’s fears would be more appropriate closer to the end of the decade.”

Tags: Citadel Committee on Paleotechnology, Ilsa Warren, Mars, Milky Way Foundation, Prothean, Unira T'Lam


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January 9th, 2011

“A Fine Line: The Journal of Darkness and Hope” hits stores this week, and the book is making waves with critics and audiences alike. Co-authored by asari prisoners of war, survivors Jiana Kintani and Bellah Ans tell the story of torture at krogan hands during their 140-year ordeal in the notorious POW camps of planet Densaak. Communication was accomplished via a complex series of rapping that was barely audible through the wall separating the cells. The two were liberated at the hands of asari commandos and saw each other’s faces for the first time aboard the military gunship that carried them off-planet. Kintani lost a long battle with the asari disease ahok fasciitis late last year, but lived to see her story in print, reading an advance copy on her deathbed.

Tags: A Fine Line: The Journal of Darkness and Hope, Bellah Ans, Densaak, Jiana Kintani


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January 8th, 2011

How prepared are you for a hull breach? Is your starship’s registration up to date? Have all of your spacesuits been pressure-tested within the last six months? During Space Safety and Awareness Week, everyone inside Council space is being encouraged to make sure their safety knowledge is up to galactic standards. “It could save your life,” says SSAW organizer Kyo Tanaka. “You don’t want people terrified every time they start their engines, but they need to respond quickly and efficiently in the event of an accident. Most companies that train pilots offer refresher courses on navigation, maintenance, alien flight protocols, and emergency responses. Why not take advantage?”

Tags: citadel, Kyo Tanaka, Space Safety and Awareness Week, SSAW


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January 7th, 2011

The moon of Voya is shaping up to be the entertainment destination this year: to date, twelve major acts have been signed to play Voya’s 600,000-seater stadium known as “The Parthinade”. Tickets are already going fast for performers that include Domino Masque, Chatbak, M.D.G.S., and Lili T’Nigus. Interestingly, concert organizers are only releasing footage of the shows a year after a given performance. “These are one-of-a-kind concerts,” says the Parthinade’s booking manager Ivica Folnovic. “As such, our electronic security measures are geared toward blacking out outside recording devices. Our mission at the Parthinade is to host events that have to be seen live to be believed.”

Tags: Chatbak, Domino Masque, Ivica Folnovic, Lili T'Nigus, M.D.G.S., The Parthinade, Voya
Posted in Official News | 24 Comments »


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January 6th, 2011

The mixed media showcase of krogan creative works, “One in a Thousand,” opened last night at Illium’s prestigious Municipal Institute of Art. As krogan history is often viewed by others as violent and tragic, the art display challenges viewers to rethink their established views on krogan culture. Dr. Alissa Banser, the institute’s program coordinator, explains: “We wanted to explore different aspects of the krogan people, from the dark to the sublime. We hope to inspire debate on the very nature of how we define ‘art’.” Some early reviews have hailed Dr. Banser as courageous; others call the showcase “exploitative” and “in poor taste,” noting that few, if any, of the show’s pieces were created by krogan artists. The showcase is on display until (Earth standard date) February 21.

Tags: Alissa Banser, Illium, krogan, Municipal Institute of Art, One in a Thousand
Posted in Official News | 28 Comments »


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January 5th, 2011

Humans and turians are gathering on the planet Kruljaven today to participate in joint training and survival exercises between their two militaries. “The Alliance is pleased to coordinate this effort with the Turian Hierarchy,” said Admiral Pat Forsythe. “Our marines will compete against their turian counterparts in a series of mock battles in harsh environments that will test preparedness in the face of extreme conditions.” Outside observers are calling it a diplomatic move aimed at increasing cooperation between the two races as Earth’s military becomes increasingly involved in Citadel defense plans. Spokespeople for both parties denied that the exercises have anything to do with current tensions on Khar’shan. “Similarities between the planets are purely coincidental, and official commentary on the Khar’shan situation comes directly from the office of the Citadel Council,” said Forsythe.

Tags: Admiral Pat Forsythe, Khar'shan, Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy
Posted in Official News | 70 Comments »


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January 4th, 2011

An unexpected issue has developed after a new vine was introduced on the colony world of Sathur: mold. “The Alliance Bureau of Food and Drug Safety confirmed that the mold, which forms as a thin, non-poisonous layer of powder on some strains of ossilbir, easily washes off without a trace,” Governor Vien Suchart assured the press. “All ossilbir shipped off-planet is thoroughly washed and inspected before packaging.” While the mold has no toxic properties for most levo-amino-based sapient species, several reports of people experiencing hallucinogenic episodes after ingesting small quantities of the mold — referred to as “Creeper” in some black markets — have surfaced. While properly cleaned vegetation can still be legally shipped from Sathur, more than 60 Citadel worlds are recalling products made with ossilbir grown on the colony.

Tags: black market, Creeper, mold, narcotics, ossilbir, Sathur
Posted in Official News | 40 Comments »


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January 3rd, 2011

Riots broke out today on the colony world of Olor as part of a fierce struggle over water rights. Demonstrations at the corporate headquarters of the municipal water company AquaStructure turned violent when corporate police attempted to break up protesters. Firebombs and gunfire ended with thirteen dead and forty wounded. This is one of many recent demonstrations that have called attention to the dichotomy between wealthy salarians and poor humans on the planet. The breaking point came when AquaStructure decided against building pipes in the human district of Xi Hu, effectively denying the residents any hope of running water. “I just thought that’s how the colony was going to be,” said Chunkai Zhi, one of the human residents. “Then I found out that the salarian districts were getting all the water they wanted. That’s not right.” AquaStructure representatives had no comment on today’s violence.

Tags: AquaStructure, Chunkai Zhi, Olor, Xi Hu
Posted in Official News | 81 Comments »


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January 1st, 2011

Last night’s observance of the human New Year on the Citadel is already being called “the shower of gold,” and is getting endless coverage on morning news shows. After the New Year’s Eve time ball was stolen, event organizers created an emergency team to stage the climactic moment. After assembling over 350 biotic attendants, organizers dumped four hundred kilos of glitter and mylar strips at the base of the spire. During the final countdown, the biotics lifted the mass into the sky, held it there with singularities, then, as strobe lights fired in time with the new year, pushed and pulled the sparkles into a tornado that rained down on partygoers. “I got it all over my scalp and some in my mouth,” said one asari, “but I also proposed to my bondmate at midnight, so I’d say the night was a big success.”

Tags: citadel, earth, New Year, New Year's Eve, Rolan Quarn, The Shower of Gold


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December 31st, 2010

Citadel security continues the search for the stolen time ball meant to mark the passing of the human New Year. Captain Armando-Owen Bailey, whose men have searched countless docking bays for signs of the device, says there is evidence that the perpetrator used a mass reducer to get the ball off the Presidium. “We can’t shut down all traffic without piling up half a million partygoers,” says Bailey, “and we’re certain that was part of the plan.” Event coordinator Nyala Alaynas says the theft will not stop the festivities. “We’ve still got spotlights and fireworks and lots of that fizzy gold drink,” she says. “Like the humans say, the show must go off.”

Tags: Armando-Owen Bailey, New Year, New Year's Eve, Nyala Alaynas, Rolan Quarn


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December 30th, 2010

The manhunt is on once again for Rolan Quarn. The turian con man and thief is believed to have stolen the Times Square New Year’s Eve ball, sending event organizers on the Citadel and in New York into a panic. The time ball, which is four meters in diameter and weighs 5,185 kilograms in Earth gravity, disappeared sometime in the station’s last night-cycle just two standard days before the New Year’s Eve festivities. While it is possible Quarn did not steal the ball, a paper note claiming responsibility and signed with his handprint was left at the scene of the ball’s disappearance. “At this point we don’t know if it’s still on the station,” said a source in C-SEC who asked not to be named. “Frankly, we don’t even know how he got the thing into an elevator. It was fully assembled.”

Tags: c-sec, earth, New Year, New Year's Eve, Rolan Quarn, Times Square


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December 29th, 2010

The Earth city of New York is breaking with a centuries-long tradition this year to inaugurate a new one. The Times Square New Year’s Eve ball, a crystal globe festooned in lights that descends in the last moments of the old Earth standard year, will be moved to the Presidium on the Citadel, where it will descend at precisely one minute before midnight, Eastern Standard [Earth] Time. In the ball’s place on Earth will be a volumetric display of the Citadel ball, and giant monitors up and down Broadway will display the crowds on the Presidium. “We feel this is our year,” said New York mayor Trudi Raspallo. “Humans are on the galactic stage now in a big way, and we invite the galaxy to celebrate with us.”

Tags: earth, New Year, New Year's Eve, New York, Times Square, Trudi Raspallo


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December 28th, 2010

The galaxy’s longest-running game of chess finally came to a close as Dowumon Thunloon of Dekuuna checkmated Victor Kovisk of Luna. A board game of skill developed on 11th-century Earth, chess became popular on the elcor homeworld a few years after humanity was granted an embassy on the Citadel. Both players have competed professionally, but Thunloon and Kovisk’s legendary 12-year game was “a friendly match” that its extranet followers are sad to see end. “A flower of moves blooming over a decade,” wrote one fan. “I remember the first check better than I remember my kid being born,” admitted another. They may not have to wait long for a rematch: Kovisk warmly congratulated Thunloon on his win, to which the elcor replied, “Pleased acceptance: Thank you very much. Tentative excitement: New game?”

Tags: chess, Dowumon Thunloon, earth, Luna, Victor Kovisk


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December 27th, 2010

The saga of former Kore employee Lira Speight has apparently come to an end. A body with a geneprint matching that of her medicard to 99.998% accuracy was presented to a regional medical examiner on the Omega space station. Her bodyguards explained to officials that she was in a hotel and complained of headaches shortly before collapsing and could not be revived. The medical examiner, Ur’shok Aranhur, declared her death a result of a massive stroke and concluded there were no signs of foul play. Lonar Maerun, one of several Citadel Spectres assigned to bring in the fugitive admiral, says the evidence satisfies him. “She was under considerable stress,” he said. “I guess it got to her more than she let on.” Speight is survived by one brother. She was 47 Earth standard years old.

Tags: Garvug, Kore, Lira Speight, Lonar Maerun, Omega, Sonax Industries, Ur'shok Aranhur


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December 26th, 2010

Former Sonax (now Kore) employee Lira Speight has reportedly fled the planet Garvug. Citadel investigators, allowed access to her personal quarters by Kore Admiral Sanele Mabuza, were able to determine that she took steps to alter her appearance before departing with a flight bag full of negotiable bearer bonds and platinum. She is believed to be traveling with up to five trusted bodyguards. Investigators have released no details about the make or model of the ship she used, nor have they speculated on her likely location. Asked if she would likely remain in the Terminus Systems to stay outside the Council’s reach, spokesperson Dixali Arborandum replied, “If she wants to stay out of our reach, she’d better find another galaxy.”

Tags: Dixali Arborandum, Garvug, Kore, Lira Speight, Sanele Mabuza, Sonax


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December 25th, 2010

Today marks the human holiday of Christmas, celebrating the birth of the semi-divine teacher-prophet Jesus in Earth’s Christian tradition. The holiday is commemorated through omnipresent music in public areas, lavish gift-giving to relatives and loved ones, the cutting and decorating of trees placed indoors, and the hanging of flexible footgear near fire pits. While all of the above practices are secular, more religious humans attend a prayer service either on the night before or during this day. The holiday spirit is traditionally shared with others by wishing for “peace on Earth and good will towards men.” Once considered universal, that greeting has since been replaced by “peace and good will towards all creation.”

Tags: Christianity, Christmas, earth, holidays, humanity, humans, Jesus


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December 24th, 2010

Umsung Holdings, Sonax Industries’ parent company, has announced sweeping changes to upper management in light of new evidence that has caused significant damage to their brand. The Sonax Industries division will now be known as Kore, and each board member currently under Council investigation for war crimes will be given a retirement package for services rendered. Said Umsung representative Areum Khan, “It is a new day at Umsung, and we are grateful to the Citadel Council for shining the harsh light of truth on the missteps taken by our employees.” Admiral Lira Speight’s replacement, Vice Admiral Sanele Mabuza, is expected to take command of the armed forces on and orbiting Garvug in three [Citadel Standard] hours when the sun rises over its capital of Dhazil.

Tags: Areum Khan, Dhazil, Garvug, Kore, Lira Speight, Sanele Mabuza, Sonax Industries, Umsung Holdings


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December 23rd, 2010

The death of a salarian enforcement agent on planet Garvug is causing a stir among Council watchers and Sonax stockholders alike. Sources close to Sonax commander Lira Speight allege that Spectre Lonar Maerun made an attempt on Speight’s life and was wounded by her security. Maerun’s assistant died, shot after a weapon malfunction left him vulnerable. Sonax officials allowed journalists to view but not photograph a charred salarian body they claim is Urjon Taltz, Maerun’s companion. Speight herself did not appear at the press conference, and spokesperson Victor Cohen attempted to assuage reporters, saying the Sonax board was “looking into” complying with the Citadel Council, but added that, “the law clearly states that we are in the Terminus Systems, and their act of aggression goes beyond any legal attempt to solve this matter.”

Tags: Citadel Council, Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Lira Speight, Lonar Maerun, Sonax Industries, Urjon Taltz