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FCC reporter accused of falsifying stories
September 11th, 2011

Future Content Corporation reporter Tanil Tarizz is on the defensive today. According to a recent blog post on the media watchdog site Media Alert, Tarizz falsified a set of six stories he wrote last year about the war on Garvug. The stories, which were posted on the FCC homepage, discussed the war’s impact on civilians and soldiers. They were cross posted by a wide range of sites, including the Alliance Beacon, the Palaven Daily News, and the Galaxy News Service. The salarian has defended his articles: “Everything I write is the product of hard work and careful research,” he said. “I’d never intentionally get something wrong.”

Tags: Future Content Corporation, Garvug, Media Alert, Tanil Tarizz


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Asari Physical Society responds to black hole theory
September 10th, 2011

Na’ali Vasir, president of the Asari Physical Society, responded today to the press release issued by physicist Darik Zol, who claimed a black hole can be turned into a galaxy-crossing wormhole merely by surrounding it with a thin layer of element zero. “There are a number of problems with this theory. First of all, element zero must be electrically charged to provide a negative dark energy field—where’s all that electricity going to come from? Second, to make this work, you would have to cross into a high time dilation zone of the black hole, rendering it a one-way gate. And finally, what about peer review? There has been no article submitted to a reputable journal to describe this research, and without such vetting, we must remain highly skeptical of the results.”

Tags: Asari Physical Society, black holes, Darik Zol, Na'ali Vasir


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Noveria blizzards continue
September 9th, 2011

Noveria’s unusually severe weather has not cleared up as expected, as a series of blizzards continue to rip through settled areas. The Noveria Development Corporation reports that temperatures have fallen to levels that are extreme, even for Noveria, and that company engineers have had to take steps to ensure that facilities do not suffer damage, from either the cold, or extraordinarily high winds. Meanwhile, all space traffic to and from Port Hanshan continues to be blocked, and travelers are said to be getting testy. “I spent three years working here,” said Dr. Simon Winthrop. “I was supposed to go home. I was supposed to see my family and friends again. They have me at the hotel, but I don’t want to be there. I just want off Noveria. I just want out.”

Tags: Noveria, Noveria Development Corporation


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Volus claims black holes are natural mass relays
September 8th, 2011

During a news conference at the ongoing Volus Physical Society meeting on Irune, Volus scientist Darik Zol unveiled a new theory of how black holes could be used for interstellar travel. “It’s true,” said the press release, “black hole surroundings are vicious environments, whether it’s the million-solar-mass black hole at the Galactic center, or your regular run-of-the-mill ten-solar-mass black hole in the Galactic disk. But, by surrounding the black hole with a sphere of element zero, we could effectively turn it into a wormhole, opening a gate to a different part of the galaxy—or who knows, maybe even beyond.”

Tags: black holes, Darik Zol, Volus Physical Society


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Evidence suggests expedition attacked by Clan Torak
September 7th, 2011

According to the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission, forensic evidence suggests that Clan Torak attacked and killed a University of Serrice science expedition. Although a full account of the evidence against Clan Torak has not been released, CDEM forces did note that DNA samples taken from krogan blood on some of the victims partially matched DNA from several known Clan Torak members. Meanwhile, a University of Serrice spokesperson confirmed that the University gave the clan agricultural equipment, as well as a payment of nearly 50,000 credits, to guarantee the group’s safe passage. The CDEM is demanding that Clan Torak explain the presence of Torak DNA. Clan Torak has not responded.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 45 Comments »


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Stalker arrested at Pyjacks concert
September 6th, 2011

A Screaming Pyjacks concert on Thessia was marred by the arrest of a fan who attempted to break into drummer Hal Dorbad’s dressing room. Concert security discovered 122 year old Ninya Loni disguised as a stagehand, and attempting to hack the lock on Dorbad’s door. Loni was quickly apprehended, and the concert continued as planned. While talking to reporters today, lead singer Vorenus Malenuu said, “We’re just glad no one was hurt. Poor Dorbad. The women always did go for the quiet volus type.”

Tags: Hal Dorbad, Ninya Loni, The Screaming Pyjacks, Vorenus Malenuu
Posted in Unofficial News | 25 Comments »


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Study indicates lack of historical knowledge
September 5th, 2011

In a recent study, nearly one quarter of upperclassmen at a sample of major Alliance universities could not correctly identify a single individual who helped draft the Alliance Charter, while slightly more than half could not identify the order in which the first extra-solar system colonies were founded. Knowledge of galactic history was even worse, with solid majorities lacking basic knowledge of the Rachni Wars and the Krogan Rebellions. “These results are truly disturbing,” said Hawking University’s Dr. Rachel Fenwick, one of the study’s authors. “We live in a galactic community, but it seems we don’t know our own history, let alone the history of others.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Hawking University, Rachel Fenwick, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 54 Comments »


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Nightclub chain expands throughout galaxy
September 4th, 2011

“Visions,” the nightclub chain jointly operated by asari Elina Moran and her bondmate, batarian Riktor Gars, is expanding to new locations. The first Visions opened in Nos Astra, in 2184, as a nightclub that celebrates unity and interspecies relationships. It gained attention by embracing the races of the owners, with décor that invokes images of asari head fringes and the quadruple eyes of batarians. “We feel that our clubs speak to today’s youth,” said Gars. “They don’t care about the hatreds of the past. They’re more concerned about the future.” Visions will open a location on the Citadel’s Tayseri Ward next week, and is scheduled to open clubs on major C-space worlds throughout 2186 and 2187.

Tags: Elina Moran, Riktor Gars, Visions
Posted in Unofficial News | 45 Comments »


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Weather cuts off Noveria
September 3rd, 2011

All traffic to and from Noveria has been blocked, due to an outbreak of particularly harsh weather. Alan Dominic, a representative of the Noveria Development Corporation, told reporters, “An unusually harsh series of blizzards has made it dangerous for ships to land at or take off from Port Hanshan. Rest assured that personnel at all Noveria facilities are safe. Anyone who was scheduled to leave has been guaranteed accommodations, with the Development Corporation covering the full cost. NDC meteorologists are studying the situation, and expect the blizzards to clear up sometime next week.”

Tags: Noveria, Noveria Development Corporation
Posted in Unofficial News | 18 Comments »


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Alliance worlds enact Skald Fish restrictions
September 2nd, 2011

Several garden worlds throughout Alliance space are placing tight restrictions on Illium Skald Fish. The fish have become a popular gift item, but require a notoriously demanding feeding schedule. Owners will sometimes dispose of them by dumping them into local lakes or streams when they grow tired of them. However, Skald Fish dumping has taken its toll on several ecosystems, as even a small number of Skald Fish will quickly decimate aquatic food sources. Eden Prime recently had to engage in a costly eco-restoration project for a major lake, and several nations on Earth are reporting Skald Fish infestations in their waterways.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Illium Skald Fish, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 31 Comments »


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Council granted Element Zero coordinates
September 1st, 2011

The Citadel Council announced today that it has successfully negotiated access to one of the largest known element zero deposits in the galaxy. News broke late this afternoon, following renewed negotiations between the quarian flotilla and a Council delegation. No word has been given on what the flotilla received in return.

Council negotiations had reportedly stalled, and rumors from the flotilla indicated that the quarians had been deep in negotiations with the Batarian Hegemony. The news came as a shock to analysts, who began searching for a reason for the breakthrough. “This is a major win for the Council,” said GBC political analyst Li Mei. “It’s interesting that it came after Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck was transferred to Council custody, isn’t it?”

[via Galactic Mineral News]

Tags: Citadel Council, Migrant Fleet, Quarian Flotilla, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck
Posted in Unofficial News | 83 Comments »


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Author warns of information overflow
August 31st, 2011

Dr. Mirta Dallone warns in her latest e-book, Information Overload, that the galaxy might be facing a problem from access to too much information. According to Dr. Dallone, the average sapient faces a deluge of information from multiple sources, including omni-tools, extranet terminals, vids, and personal VIs. The doctor suggests that we all take at least one hour a day away from multiple information flows. “All of this information is useful in that it keeps us connected,” she said. “But perhaps we have reached a point where it is too much. Are we losing our ability to stay focused on one thing? And how much ‘good’ information gets lost in the overflow of information that is bad, or merely mediocre?”

Tags: Information Overload, Mirta Dallone
Posted in Unofficial News | 26 Comments »


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Thief found dead during heist
August 30th, 2011

Proculus Tanadan, a notorious thief who is suspected of stealing rare artifacts across the galaxy, was found dead today at the Turian Hierarchy Museum of Antiquities. It appears Tanadan was attempting to steal the Edessan Disc, a Prothean artifact unearthed by turian archeologists in 1907 CE. The turian had bypassed the artifact’s kinetic barriers and opened its case, though it appears he died before he could remove the item. Early examinations indicate that the 48 year old Tanadan suffered a severe stroke, though authorities continue to search for alternate causes of death. It is expected that the museum will remain closed for at least a week while the investigation continues.

Tags: Edessan Disc, Proculus Tanadan, Turian Hierarchy Museum of Antiquities
Posted in Unofficial News | 35 Comments »


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Graves of science expedition found
August 29th, 2011

Forces from the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission have discovered the graves of a missing University of Serrice expedition. The CDEM discovered the graves while searching the wastelands near Clan Torak. Most of the expedition appears to have been killed from gunshot wounds, but a few appear to have been beaten to death. Each was stripped of any personal items or equipment of value. Clan Torak has stated the team was “likely attacked by clanless raiders known to operate in the area.” Torak has yet to account for why they originally reported the team killed in a thresher maw attack.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 75 Comments »


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Atar sentence commuted
August 28th, 2011

In a surprise move today, Taetrian Primarch Idus Valen commuted the death sentence of Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck to life in prison, and announced that she will be transferred to authorities from the Citadel Council to serve her sentence in a Council run prison. The announcement followed a closed meeting yesterday between Valen and Council representatives. Valen made the short announcement to reporters, then left without answering questions. Turians have reacted with unusual vitriol for turian politics, with one citizen opening an extranet site calling for Primarch Valen to be demoted from his current citizenship tier.

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 66 Comments »


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Scott City fight continues
August 27th, 2011

Speaking to a large crowd, Scott City Mayor Richard Santana vowed to continue the city’s lawsuit against the Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture. “The preservation council has clearly overstepped its statutory limits,” he said. “It is abusing its power, and the citizens of Scott City will suffer as a result.” At a separate event, former Scott City Mayor Bill Hansley spoke to a crowd rallying for the preservation of Founders Park, and defended his decision to bring the preservation council into the fight. “Part of their mandate is to preserve historic sites that may be endangered by local politics,” he said. “Our community is divided over this park. But it is part of our history. If it’s gone, it’s gone for good. I acted to preserve it for future generations, and I have no regrets.”

Tags: Bill Hansley, Founders Park, Richard Santana, Scott City, Terra Nova
Posted in Unofficial News | 50 Comments »


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Activist arrested for protest incident
August 26th, 2011

Noted sapient rights activist Ulay Elong has been arrested. According to C-Sec, the salarian threw red paint on Alliance Business Consortium president Deborah Einav-Tsung as she walked to a social meeting with members of the Citadel Council. Elong attempted to run, but was quickly apprehended by C-Sec. In a statement, the activist said the incident was meant as protest over ExoGeni Corporation’s treatment of human colonists during Tsung’s time as CEO. An ABC representative has called Elong a “thug,” and said, “Mrs. Einav-Tsung is proud of her time as ExoGeni CEO.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Alliance Business Consortium, citadel, Deborah Einav-Tsung, ExoGeni Corporation, Ulay Elong
Posted in Unofficial News | 31 Comments »


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Preservation council upholds decision
August 25th, 2011

The Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture voted unanimously to keep Founders Park as a designated culturally significant site. While noting the opposition of Scott City Mayor Richard Santana, a preservation council representative stated that local opposition does not automatically nullify the council’s mandate, as granted by Alliance statute, to preserve human history. “Leanne Ling’s prominent history, as well as her role in developing Terra Nova, argue in favor of preservation,” said Council Member Sue Nagata. “Furthermore, the community center’s status as one of only a handful of buildings to show a unique blend of colonial and earth design give it a special place in human history and culture.”

Tags: Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture, Founders Park, Scott City, Terra Nova
Posted in Unofficial News | 79 Comments »


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Turians supportive of Atar sentence
August 24th, 2011

Despite criticisms of the trial of Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck, the vast majority of turians contacted in a recent GBC poll support her death sentence. Nearly 80% of turians throughout the Hierarchy indicated support for executing Atar. Very few registered reservations about the short length of the trial, or the ability of a Taetrus court to produce a fair conviction. “She helped kill turians, and she’s proud of it” said Tremik Dathos, a VI programmer. “She deserves what she’s going to get. The way I see it, the court didn’t take long because the facts were clear.”

Tags: Facinus, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck, Taetrus
Posted in Unofficial News | 60 Comments »


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Activists protest ABC conference
August 23rd, 2011

Today’s events at the annual Alliance Business Consortium conference were marred by protests, as labor, sapient rights, and anti-corporate activists gathered to speak against ABC stances on a wide range of issues. Most protestors stayed in assigned free speech zones, though several were arrested by C-Sec after attempting to approach conference attendees. Inside the conference, former ExoGeni CEO and current ABC president Deborah Einav-Tsung gave a speech in which she called on leaders throughout the galaxy to “recognize the important role of free enterprise and free trade in promoting not only prosperity, but also basic dignity.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Alliance Business Consortium, citadel, Deborah Einav-Tsung